Eyemesh for the ROTS MR Vaderhelmet.


Master Member
Has somebody a idea what they used behind the eyes of the MR ROTS Vaderhelmet?The lense is clear...but behind the lenses are pieces of black fabric.Its perfect that you cannot look in the helmet but easy look out.Any idea what a fabric this is?
Here is a pic from the stuff...looks like a very fine grid..

Perhaps you could use the same fabric as Hasbro uses for the Vader capes of the 3 3/4" or even 6" line? It's rather thin and easy to look through, yet dark enough to appear as a full cloak from the outside :)

I think it's actually a plastic mesh screen. It's not metal. I thought it was, but when I looked at mine again, it's not.
2015-09-03 07.57.26.jpg 2015-09-03 08.08.39.jpg
It's also used behind the mouth grills.
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I use the Trooperbay mesh intended to go behind the mouths on stormtrooper helmets. I can see fine through it, but no one can see my eyes, not even in flash photos. I glue the top which allows me to gently lift the mesh to apply anti-fog drops for trooping.
Yes its also behind the mouth.I also would say its plastic...but where you can order stuff like this?

I looked in the trooperbayshop but did not found it.:confused
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