Star Trek TNG PADD


Active Member
This is a prop I’ve wanted to do for ages. And with all the things I’m doing now, all at once, it’s PADD time.

Some references:

Some prints and a 3mm styrene:

Well, as the Patapon hat had worked with basswood as core, I gave it a go

The other thing is, that I don’t wanna do it all over again for the PADD variations. I’d like to vacuform it and get over with it.

Meanwhile, main plate done, sanded with 180 grade, then 400. Then putty added.

It’s now drying.
I hope it works

I've just spotted that I didn't wrote about the polistyrene prop.
The balsawood is the core for vacforming. But I decided to try a polistyrene core also, becouse of my Patapon hat balsa core problem. The two 3mm sheets were glued and sanded, like on the last picture. I'm doing that in my spere time.
And i'm happy with the results.
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Sanding & prep work are KEY to any succesful build. Take things slow and have faith. :)

Thanks, King, I know. Well, the polistyrene thing is working wery well. I'm happy with the shape, the primer is covering good. I've got just this gap between the two plates.

I've just spotted that I didn't wrote about the polistyrene prop.
The balsawood is the core for vacforming. But I decided to try a polistyrene core also, becouse of my Patapon hat balsa core problem. The two 3mm sheets were glued and sanded, like on the last picture. I'm doing that in my spere time.
And i'm happy with the results. It's smooth.
Probably I'll use it as the vacforming core. With mold release.
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