Infamous: Second Son

I truly enjoyed the whole look and feel of the world in the first two games. I hope that hasn't changed much in this new edition.
I am loving the hell out of this game. I was about to spout off how far along I am, but frankly I have no idea. The completion percentage that the game gives you is based off everything, including side missions and collectibles. In that regard, I think I'm only about 30%. But I think I'm more than halfway through the story. I got the third power last night (won't spoil it for those that haven't seen it, but it's common knowledge that there's more than just Smoke and Neon). I've never played an open world game that gave you this much freedom. Sure, games like GTA have it, but you need to work a lot more to get to those hard-to-reach places. In SS, you can run straight up walls and glide for ridiculous distances, it's almost like being able to just fly everywhere.

Oh, and did I mention how amazing the graphics are? All those screenshots you've seen? They're not bullshots.. the game actually looks like that, ALL THE TIME. I've already taken more screenshots of this game that all my other PS4 games combined. I just don't have a way of getting them off the system yet (they're adding the ability to move shares to USB in the next major firmware release).
I am loving the hell out of this game. I was about to spout off how far along I am, but frankly I have no idea. The completion percentage that the game gives you is based off everything, including side missions and collectibles. In that regard, I think I'm only about 30%. But I think I'm more than halfway through the story. I got the third power last night (won't spoil it for those that haven't seen it, but it's common knowledge that there's more than just Smoke and Neon). I've never played an open world game that gave you this much freedom. Sure, games like GTA have it, but you need to work a lot more to get to those hard-to-reach places. In SS, you can run straight up walls and glide for ridiculous distances, it's almost like being able to just fly everywhere.

Oh, and did I mention how amazing the graphics are? All those screenshots you've seen? They're not bullshots.. the game actually looks like that, ALL THE TIME. I've already taken more screenshots of this game that all my other PS4 games combined. I just don't have a way of getting them off the system yet (they're adding the ability to move shares to USB in the next major firmware release).

Agreed on all points. I love the story so far too. Delsin is a fun character to play.
Well, for the three of us that are playing this game (the rest of you are missing out), there's a new patch released today. It allows you to remove the HUD, change time of day after the end game (it lets you choose from all the presets that you saw while playing through the story), and most importantly, it adds a photo mode... pause the game at any time and move the camera around to get that perfect shot. It's frikkin' glorious. I think I have almost as many screenshots of the game from today as I have of my entire normal playthrough.
I've been playing for a couple of weeks now and it's just blown me away.

It's been SOOOO long since i played a game that's beautiful, compelling, intuitive and FUN. This one game has justified me buying a PS4 last Christmas.

My 19 year old son loves it too, he also loves the fact that i gave him the Delson Beanie that came with the game!

I am going to start an interest thread to see if anyone is interested in the patches that he wears on his hoodie and jacket.
Really, really gorgeous game. So much more appealing to play a decent single player game. I so don't miss being yelled at by 12 yr old dillweeds on COD.
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