D.C.'s The Flash (tv series)

See now things are getting really convoluted. We just got done being introduced to Black Flash, which BTW I thought was very nicely done. Now all of a sudden we have Black Racer (maybe). I love the idea of having time travel and multi universes in the show, but now with Flashpoint and everything they are throwing in so quick (season 3) I think it is going to be hard for someone who is just a fan of the t.v. show to catch on. I mean I read and know all these characters and it's even a little hard for me to keep them straight.
I understand viewers of the Flash. But what about viewers of the Arrow and Supergirl? They will be scratching their heads on what happened and why Supergirl is completely in different place.
I understand viewers of the Flash. But what about viewers of the Arrow and Supergirl? They will be scratching their heads on what happened and why Supergirl is completely in different place.

I agree with you 100% can't argue with that at all. (I wonder if they will make a tongue and cheek mention of Barry changing things and bringing Supergirl to the CW.):D
Not the greatest ever, but really good episode. And man, those parent moments in so many dynamic ways...every time I end up teary eyed. Amazing.
It was far more emotional and better than that horrid comic by the same name, where everything is dark, grim, gritty, and everyone dies.

at least if the DTV special follows the comic :)
It was far more emotional and better than that horrid comic by the same name, where everything is dark, grim, gritty, and everyone dies.

at least if the DTV special follows the comic :)

You do realise that you can praise one thing...without tearing down another, right? That it is actually possible to do that. As a human. :ninja
I'm sorry I hated this episode. OK so his Parents are alive and well. Wally is in critical but stable condition. Iris loves him. Cisco is rich. Caitlin hasn't lost Ronnie or Jay and seems happy. The reverse Flash is locked up and not causing trouble. Somehow and I can't explain this he still has his powers and the worst thing that is happening is he is forgetting the prior timeline. It's called a journal Barry right the stuff down or have old Eobard tell you what you forgot. But instead they kill his mom and we got an M. night Shyamalan moment going to happen all season. This episode seems as useless as the lost dinosaur episode. Yall remember when he see's his mom in the speed force and realizes that she is ok and all is well but I'm going to change it anyway.
I'm sorry I hated this episode. OK so his Parents are alive and well. Wally is in critical but stable condition. Iris loves him. Cisco is rich. Caitlin hasn't lost Ronnie or Jay and seems happy. The reverse Flash is locked up and not causing trouble. Somehow and I can't explain this he still has his powers and the worst thing that is happening is he is forgetting the prior timeline. It's called a journal Barry right the stuff down or have old Eobard tell you what you forgot. But instead they kill his mom and we got an M. night Shyamalan moment going to happen all season. This episode seems as useless as the lost dinosaur episode. Yall remember when he see's his mom in the speed force and realizes that she is ok and all is well but I'm going to change it anyway.

That is ONE part I didn't care about.

As Eobard said, 'Future Flash isn't this stupid'. He seems to be run by his emotions and does things without thinking just because he can.
I guess loosing his father the same way he lost his mother was just one loss too much. but still...

The other thing that confuses me...If most everything seems back to normal....other than the weird new villain that comes out of nowhere and iris, for some reason not talking to her father....How is Eobard still around in this timeline? he got erased last time around cause eddie killed himself.

If he's around, does that mean original Wells is back too?
The fact that Eobard is still around I can at least say that has grounds coming from the comic and the cartoon. When Flash reset the timeline since Eobard at technically been erased from it it some how set him free from any time line. So in the comics and the cartoon Eobard is now able to exist outside of reality. So no matter what the Flash does Eobard will be around. The very well could have been an Easter Egg from last night since his memories were not being affected instead of the speed use thing they said about Barry.
I'm sorry I hated this episode. OK so his Parents are alive and well. Wally is in critical but stable condition. Iris loves him. Cisco is rich. Caitlin hasn't lost Ronnie or Jay and seems happy. The reverse Flash is locked up and not causing trouble. Somehow and I can't explain this he still has his powers and the worst thing that is happening is he is forgetting the prior timeline. It's called a journal Barry right the stuff down or have old Eobard tell you what you forgot. But instead they kill his mom and we got an M. night Shyamalan moment going to happen all season. This episode seems as useless as the lost dinosaur episode. Yall remember when he see's his mom in the speed force and realizes that she is ok and all is well but I'm going to change it anyway.

Wally wasn't stable - he wasn't healing like a speedster should. That indicated that at best, he wouldn't recover fully.

Joe, his father for the last 15 years, was a deeply unhappy mess of an alcoholic who had no close connection to his family at all, or anyone. I was actually really gutted at seeing Joe like this, and seeing Barry only feel a little bit bad - to me, this was the worst characterization of the episode, but even this is forgivable - his parents alive but Joe unhappy? Joe himself would want that for Barry. The Barry we have got to know would feel awful about that (which does come into it in a general way of course when he admits that he's buggered it up)

He almost lost to the Rival due to these changes that were happening (in fact, he did lose to the Rival, if not for Joe)

Eobard indicates that Barry will forget that he was the Flash at all, and they indicated that he lost all of his memories of being able to do certain things. Hence he was helpless in the twin tornados - which was a nice call back to the first threat in episode one, where he had to learn to deplete a tornado's energy.

Iris doesn't truly love him in this timeline, she barely knows him - she definitely knows that he is special to her in the universal scheme of things, which she said felt like love. She just knows that something was missing from her existence - this indicates that the shows timeline is semi set - like Reverse Flash said (and has been mentioned on Legends) time is like liquid concrete once you mess with it. It starts to set.

I think Barry was naive to go in the first place (but this was great storytelling, he isnt perfect and his Dad's loss was too much - heartbreaking) but then he spent three months with his parents. Any one of us would do the same. That allowed him closure, and he decides to reset the timeline - but that requires him literally asking for his own mothers murder. Its bloody fantastic full circle stuff and great drama. How horrendous is that!?! He is also naive to think things will be perfect when he resets it (Reverse Flash actually says to him that he isn't as stupid in the future - character development!)

I'm glad there are repercussions though. Excited to find out what they are.

That was a smashing episode. They imparted so much information so quickly yet without it feeling confusing or anything. So brave to continue the show in a totally different timeline than the one we started with, but it makes so much sense.

I was so gutted for Cisco, and then had a proper "yes!" moment when he arrived to help. It was telegraphed but it still worked.

Not quite clear on Alchemy yet but thats forgivable, it's season long and more will come to light.

Better than the premiere I think, as Barry's breakdown when he told them all the truth was more powerful than him saying goodbye to his parents (and I don't mean in magnitude, I mean in performance) - both moments are seriously good emotional acting with the depth that only a TV show can give really, with all that character history driving these moments.

******** loved it. It's not entirely consistent sometimes, but then neither is the sprawling vast array of DC comics, so I can take that. Tom Felton felt like a fleshed out character already, and we know nothing about him.

I think the Rival provided some good action but I hope that is the last we see of him. Not too keen on the actor.
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How many speedsters are there in the comics, evil ones?

I kind of think reverse flash is the only one needed. anything else seems lazy.

I also kind of like the idea that RF and F have traveled back to that nexus in his child home so many times, that they now exist out of the timeline. it's an interesting idea.
Reverse Flash (Eobard Thawne)
Zoom (Hunter Zolomon)
The Rival (Edward Clariss)
Black Flash (Death)
Savitar (Self Named, dont know if his original name is known)
Johnny Quick (Earth 3)

And in Rebirth lately, one of the best looking enemy speedsters I've seen, is Godspeed - which is also a pretty cool name. Don't know much about him yet though.

There are probably more, that isn't exhaustive.

Each of them has fairly unique backgrounds and motivations though.

It would be lazy to stick with only one character as a villain...

Two or three, maybe. any more than that? just smacks of lazy writing and that they have a hard time of thinking up someone who can actually challenge him.
You know,

I kind of wonder if Flashpoint is going to be the cause of this big multiverse ending disaster that merges supergirl and flash together.

And we've already seen that the changes in the time line not only effects events, but People, even Genders...

Maybe they can switch Wyn and Jimmy around and we can get a REAL Jimmy Olsen this time around on Supergirl.
I'm sitting here watching the pilot and groaned at their first date setup. to me, there's no drama or interesting dynamic. i find it far more interesting when the nerdy girl goes after the nerdy guy. nerdy girl versus super stud hunk from my point of view is kind of bland at least, especially when he has no real chemistry with her ;o).

Plus, seeing her reaction to the REAL Jimmy would be a lot of good comedic moments and much more interesting to see if the relationship could recover.
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