Star Trek TV Series Remake

I remember seeing the previews for the TNG way, way back. I thought it would surely suck. So happy I was wrong. I so want this to happen and to be good.

I remember TV Guides pics of the new Enterprise, and thinking "oh god, no", and being surprised by the actual show. I still hate the Enterprise D, but the show was good.
- No JJ Universe
- no prequel
- no Kirk - Trek is more than Kirk
- bring back the people, who made Trek great: Doug Drexler, Michael and Denise Okuda, Rick Sternbach, Herman Zimmermann, Penny Juday, etc. (except for the Producers)
- do no let studio execs meddle with the original vision of Gene Roddenberry
- make a balance between a DSN driven and imperfect characters and TNG/VOY exploration crew, who deals with not only exploration but Federation intern things. Show the Federation at 2380 (not STO).
- Manny Coto as a show writer.
- Producer must be a Trek Fan to understand the stuff

DC Fontana is still around.

I saw an episode or two of the web series where they try to continue the original series. I thought they were trying to hard. Why not a different ship and crew in the same universe?
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- No JJ Universe
- no prequel
- no Kirk - Trek is more than Kirk
- bring back the people, who made Trek great: Doug Drexler, Michael and Denise Okuda, Rick Sternbach, Herman Zimmermann, Penny Juday, etc. (except for the Producers)
- do no let studio execs meddle with the original vision of Gene Roddenberry
- make a balance between a DSN driven and imperfect characters and TNG/VOY exploration crew, who deals with not only exploration but Federation intern things. Show the Federation at 2380 (not STO).
- Manny Coto as a show writer.
- Producer must be a Trek Fan to understand the stuff

Hear hear!!

Next generation era for the win!
My only problem with this is if they have the writers from Lost and Once Upon a Time work on it. We don't need ANOTHER show where it's all "Oh my god, drama! This drama could have been completely avoided if this one guy had just explained himself here instead of being speechless for no reason. Oh look, more drama caused by inability to communicate properly with others. If only we had brains that were connected to holes in our faces that could produce sounds when they move, which in turn would be received by other holes in everyone else's heads and go to their brains to transmit ideas and feelings."
Abrams Trek sucks. I couldn't stand to watch Into Darkness. It was one of the very few times in my life that I was unable to contain my nerd rage. I literally sat in the theater scoffing the entire time.

I'd much rather someone officially get behind "Star Trek Continues" or any of the other currently fan produced projects that are true to the original and made by actual fans of the franchise. Abrams Trek is Star Trek made by a Star Wars fan. Who doesn't see the problem with this?
I'm glad that I'm not alone with this motion. Though I was unknowingly working on ST: Titan for the LCARS artwork, which my friend Scott Nakada brought me in and the producer of ST: oGaM Peter Christian proposed to CBS (which was ditched, if you remember), I think, there's a need to take a new point of view of Trek. What made Trek great was not the aliens or space or big space battles, but what Gene always said, the human nature, the position we inherit in this universe and what it means to be human.

Important thing is, not to repeat itself. Trek was always original, fresh and very avant-garde - reflecting current and upcoming world events. We had the formularic stand-alone episodes (except DSN), alien/android, who seek humanity lacking emotions/supressing it to reflect ourself, we had a captain/command, who's a womanizer, a genius engineer, etc. … toss it out. Been there, done that.

Prequel… which only started being Trek after Manny Coto was too late on board on season 4. Studio Execs, who meddled with the ship's design, the name, producer's decisions (who are also to blame, but had to take hard flaks). Look, what damage it had done to the once great name Star Trek. NO MORE, either, they trust the vision of the Trek-fan producer or no Trek at all.

JJ Trek, yep… not your father's Star Trek. But it's not mine either. I felt entertained, I must admit, but it's so superficial, shallow, hollow. Where's the moralic question raised in the movie? Where's the theme? OH! And where's the Alexander Courage's orchestral theme? The "new" theme of Giacchino doesn't invoke adventure… don't mess with iconic things too much.

What I have in mind is not the dead horse beaten Academy concept. It has accumulated so much poison over the years, I won't even pick it up with a tweezer. What would be interesting is, what we HAVEN'T seen yet. The Federation, the worlds of Federation. There are over 150 members in the UFP, thousand of planets within 8000 lightyears, yet we saw only a fraction of them, some we did see once on tv and never again like the Bynars (minus the novels, but they are not canon) or Sheliaks. Other we did see in ENT, but I can't them them really for canon, they screwed the official timeline one too many times. We can explore interstellar and cultural exchanges for once, a diplomatic ship. And the ship's name could be USS Yorktown, the original name of the Enterprise.

And what we haven't seen, is a ship composed mostly of aliens, where humans are the minority. We had an american captain, a french captain, an afro-american captain, a female captain, why not an alien captain for once? And please, no vulcan captain, we had vulcans too many times.
It would be interesting to see a Bolian captain or Andorian captain with a female human commander (which was seldom, Kira servered as one). A Klingon Doctor is hilarious, since they die in honor and have multiple back-up organs and that Klingon has be empathic towards other species (What do you want?! - the rough klingonese *snicker*) and had to learn the anatomy of other species, which is an interesting character to develop and he has to evolve. Also a J'naii counselor would be an interesting premise, since they are a androgynous race and can serve exploring the issue of homosexuality, without adress it directly.

That'll be some interesting constellation.

I'm up for a new series. I don't want a remake.

DITTO everything above. I agree!

^This, very, very much this

DC Fontana is still around.

I saw an episode or two of the web series where they try to continue the original series. I thought they were trying to hard. Why not a different ship and crew in the same universe?

Hear hear!!

Next generation era for the win!

Not favoured by the TNG fans…
How about The Next Generation, but in the JJ continuation?

Who would make a great Picard?
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The only non-TNG era Trek I was ever interested in seeing would have been the proposed series charting the adventures of Captain Sulu of the Excelsior. Even aftter TNG ended it could have worked. Imagine showing us the fate of the Enterprise B, or even leading up to the events with the Enterprise C? Shame they missed the boat on that one, I mean, Takei still looks great but maybe not quite able to convince us he's movie-era age, and JJ trek has proved (and to a lesser extent, the fan-films) that you can't recast the role, Sulu is Takei and vice versa.
A Klingon doctor :lol hilarious

And it should most certainly at least try and be original. When I first heard about Stargate Universe I just thought "Stargate Voyager".

These.....are the voyages..... of the USS Amalgamate......
A Klingon doctor :lol hilarious

And it should most certainly at least try and be original. When I first heard about Stargate Universe I just thought "Stargate Voyager".

While it sounded that way - it wasn't really close.

As of the fan made stuff out there - i know there's at least 1 based on the TOS with match sets etc. It may work for major die hard fans of TOS, but that's about it. Yout try and start a show up now looking like that and it'll fall flat with the masses. They'll all be able to point out their cell phone has more tech in it that anything on the ship.

There are good ideas here, but i'd like to add an addendum...a restraining order keeping berman and braga from getting withing 25 miles of any working location.

Wouldn't mind a big jump forward to the 29th century. I think they could have fun with the that temporal division shown in TNG.
JJ Trek, yep… not your father's Star Trek. But it's not mine either. I felt entertained, I must admit, but it's so superficial, shallow, hollow. Where's the moralic question raised in the movie? Where's the theme? OH! And where's the Alexander Courage's orchestral theme? The "new" theme of Giacchino doesn't invoke adventure… don't mess with iconic things too much.

Now I'll grant that JJTrek's treatment of moral issues is indeed more superficial. But morality is not absent from STID and it does tie into current times. Khan might as well have been an Osama bin Laden stand in.
Actually I watch SG Destiny, but the whole characters and the storyline did suck… Topic change: did I tell you I want my Klingon doctor? :lol
Why so much hate towards DS9?

I didn't voice any hate for DS9.

I just think a jump a good number of years forward is a good idea because it allows what happened to have still happened (no alt timeline) and still give the show runners a wide open landscape to work with and has no pressure of having previous cast members show up for a show or two.

I mean, did TNG really need to have damn near everyone from TOS appear during it's series? Between the Pilot and first movie i think the only one to not appear was Sulu.

I plucked the temporal agency out of the fact it's the only real future they showed. But the whole thing would be wide open if you jump forward. Try and do something in the same timeline of TNG and you've gotten wonder why they aren't running back to earth to try and stop the borg, and if they are, where's the reliant/enterprise/etc.

Pick a new time and start fresh is all i'm saying. If you wanna do a space station in the future, great, but they've done that already. Exploration can be different - see TNG/TOS/VOYAGER. Can a space station serial be different enough from DS9?
I just read this. Why, of all people, Roberto Orci? His ST scripts are terrible and superficial. With him, it is just as with Otto in "A Fish Called Wanda" about apes not reading philosophy. They DO read it, only they understand it. Same with Orci.
I didn't voice any hate for DS9.

Yes you did. You said,

I think they could have fun with the that temporal division shown in TNG.

The Department of Temporal Investigation's only appearance was in the episode "Trials and Tribble-ations". They never appeared in TNG. Hence why I jumped to the extremely logical conclusion that you were trying to give credit to TNG where it wasn't due.