Star Trek Into Darkness replicas

You know, that's not a shabby deal. I just pre-ordered one myself.

Are these the same badges that came with the best buy bluray set?
@Allen Castillo

All the Super Heros, Heros, and Tear Down phasers, that I made for Into Darkness is different and not identical to the 2009. The heros from 2009 had a totally different handle, had no lens or functioning rotary setting on top, had a ton of visible bolts holding the thing together, and the paint was different. So to say the phaser is identical is not correct.


Great job on the phaser facelift. I thought they looked much better in the new movie.
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Definitely looks better.

Still do not like the design of it.

Communicator is growing on me.
KCP - you're phasers in the film looked awesome. I especially loved the one that came out of the backpack. That was a cool twist.
Thanks guys.... I appreciate all the kind words. I want to mention that when the studio wanted a tear down phaser, the first thing that came to mind was the fans. I really never followed Trek so it was going to be a challenge to come up with some kind of electronics. I mean, you would see the insides. So I went online and read everything I could find on phaser technology. I read a lot about plasma technology as well. You would be surprised how much info was generated on the subject. So, I made a video on the tear down phaser explaining all the details of the internal circuits and how the phaser works. I think when you guys see it, you'll laugh at the anal OCD detail I put into it. lol I'm also doing a formal article with some of the other guys that worked on the film and explain what all we did. I will be including a **** load of phaser jaw dropping pics.

To all of you guys that don't really care for the phaser.... I did make up a concept phaser based on the TOS phaser and put it in front of Bad Robot. Unfortunately, JJ wanted to stick with the original design. So, I pumped the **** out of it and added a **** load of details. I did this for you guys to, at least give you a wow factor even though you hate the design. I did try for you guys and I did pitch the idea of the new concept. I'm working on the article now and when it's ready, you'll know.

I do ask one thing, please keep an open mind and don't hack on me too much for not getting the tech right..... that is if I got it wrong. LOL
KCP: Love the new Trek phasers and the old Trek. Far as I'm concerned you can never have too many phaser designs out there. Excellent job and I can't wait to hear more and see the animated version!

You'll be happy to know that John Eaves will be joining me on the article. John was responsible for the Knormian Phaser illustrations. As you know, I Caded and built the hero masters for Rick Gamez. I'm hitting Rick up to join in on this as well. I will be adding a ton of pics so be patient.... I want to do this right.
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Yeah.... everything is still growing on me as well. I primarily build weapons and gadgets so I'm always concerned about the "look". I had no choice on the phaser so I did the best I could. I added a bunch to the prop in hopes the fans love the extra work. Again, all of this I did mainly because I was scared of getting my ass chewed out by the Trek community. LOL AND.... I'm actually serious about that.
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Thanks for the effort and care.
Is the design/evolution of the phaser going to be part of the extra features on the special Blu-ray set?
To all of you guys that don't really care for the phaser.... I did make up a concept phaser based on the TOS phaser and put it in front of Bad Robot. Unfortunately, JJ wanted to stick with the original design. So, I pumped the **** out of it and added a **** load of details. I did this for you guys to, at least give you a wow factor even though you hate the design. I did try for you guys and I did pitch the idea of the new concept. I'm working on the article now and when it's ready, you'll know.

I do ask one thing, please keep an open mind and don't hack on me too much for not getting the tech right..... that is if I got it wrong. LOL

You must be reading my mind, I was going to pose that very question; were there any TOS-like designs for the hand props pitched, and simply not chosen? Now we know that at least for the phasers, yes is the answer! Thanks for offering that up. :)

I'll be honest and say I wasn't convinced in the new phaser back in '09 but the design has grown on me quite a bit, and my finally getting the replica in my hands shows off the detail and thought behind the design and that played a big part in my growing appreciation for it. I also must say that the more subdued color scheme on the Into Darkness version shows off all the detail a lot better.

I LOVED the break-down phaser. That was a nice nod to the modular design of the original phaser, and it was nice to see all of the props being featured a little more this time out, with the phaser assembly scene being the standout for me.

Here's an open question for anyone with their ear to the ground: Is anyone going to make a prop-quality communicator this time out? That's another piece that saw a TON of screen time in the film, is an iconic Trek prop, and there doesn't seem to be anything out there besides the '09 Playmates toy...

That question I think I would not be able to answer at this time considering it is pertaining to a dvd set not yet available. Sorry brother.
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As stated before, I want to make sure that everyone knows that the QMx phaser in the dvd set is not an exact copy of any of my heros from the film. It is of the QMx version. QMx provided the studio, for the film, with several updated versions of their phasers many of you already own. They updated their phasers using my color scheme I used on my heros as well as the magnets manual spinner hub I designed for my tear down phasers. It's definitely a nicer piece than the first one and now you guys don't have to hack them. According to their site, they have added a spring loaded barrel hub to their dvd phaser.

Now, for 2014, I will be doing a run of my heros I made for the film. This will be an exact prop to my studio heros. I will be using all the same materials, processes, and coatings. They will be fully animatronic with lights. Again, I just want people to understand that there were two different phasers made.... mine and QMx's. Although they are similar, they are not the same.
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So yeah I know I'm being a bit OCD, (and yes I know I could most likely just ask Got Maul), but did anyone else notice that the insignias look different from the QMX versions? In fact all of the different insignias are driving me a bit nuts. The insignias on Kirk and Spock's dress uniforms seem to be missing the rim of the delta, but that looks present on the Admiral's insignias. As for the shipboard duty uniform's insignia, they appear taller, pointer, and the border/frame of the insignia appears glossy/shiner, with a uniform textured interior, so what's the deal? Were the insignia redesigned for this film ?
designed the CAD and built the hero masters, of the Knormian Phaser, for Rick Gamez who was also working on the film. Rick then took my masters, pulled molds, and built up all of those. It was a pleasure tag teaming that one with him..... he's a great friend.

Curious as to what CAD program you used to model these new phasers?

I'm also doing a formal article with some of the other guys that worked on the film and explain what all we did. I will be including a **** load of phaser jaw dropping pics...I'm working on the article now and when it's ready, you'll know.

Gotta see it. When and where is it going to be (website)? Are they doing an art book featuring these designs too?

[Now, for 2014, I will be doing a run of my heros I made for the film. This will be an exact prop to my studio heros. I will be using all the same materials, processes, and coatings. They will be fully animatronic with lights. Again, I just want people to understand that there were two different phasers made.... mine and QMx's. Although they are similar, they are not the same.

Will you be selling the 2014 animatronic version or are you selling through QMx?
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