Complete Aliens colonial marines M56 smart gun operator !


Well-Known Member
just finished up putting the parts and elements together for my smart gunners kit .only thing left is the screen accurate colonial marine uniform , and well a shoulder lamp . so its really not 99% done :) but heres some pics of me suited up enjoy . so happy to be at this point . the M56 smart gun is one of the coolest scifi weapons around.
Looking great :)

May I ask what grip-assembly you chose for the rear "trigger" of the M56?
I have an all metal gun in the works myself, but can´t find any grips with the correct "clamp" :(

I don't know exactly it was commission from a fellow prop builder. But i belive is from a khawaskii motorcycle, like the other parts that were used for the original prop
Great build. If memory serves from old research the bike parts were Kawasaki GT parts, not sure of the year or further model
Damn how did I miss this....awesome weapon bro....yeah it feels great having an Aliens prop...The M56 Smart certainly BADA$$...
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