Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Van (Playhouse)

I've started on a small project for my sons birthday. I'll give a hero cookie to the first person who can tell me what it is? All I'll say is that it's a playhouse.

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Re: Guess what this is?

And the cookie goes to ............... "torsoboy"
It's funny that asher40 said the Mystery machine that was my wife's first pic. My son has developed a taste for classic cartoons. Two of he's favorites are scooby-doo and the ninja turtles. After talking about it we thought the turtle van was the best choice. I can't wait to see he's face when he see's it on he's birthday.
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HA HA HA! Awesome concept idea. Mix up the cast and put the turtles in scooby and shaggy's place with the mystery inc group fighting shredder and krang. That would be a riot.

On a serious note I plan on making this playhouse look as close to the toy as possible

So that it looks like a real van I'm going to seal the out side of the van with resin and fiberglass. Not sure how detailed I'll make the inside just yet but I done know that the inside of the van will not look like the toy. Something that I'm thinking about putting in there for him is a mini dvd player that I found at a thrift store. I just like the idea of him watching the turtles in he's turtle van.
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I've got a small update for everyone that's following the van. I've got most of the van mocked up today. All of the walls are in place with all of the windows cut out. I hope to do a little more work tonight and move it in to my shop. If I get to do some more work tonight I hope to have the roof in place and lock everything down. I was going to post an update photo but tinypic is down at the moment I'll try to post one later to night.
cowabunga! cool idea, cant wait to see some pics. i was so blown away to see the "real" can thats out on the streets.
Well I didn't get to work on the van last night me and the wife sat around B.S.ing for a while. I did how ever get it moved into my shop. I'll start back on it today but until then here is the pic from yesterday.
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Well I was able to get some more work done on the van today here's what I've got so far.

It's almost time to start on the details of the van after I get some little things out of the way. Juice is working on the front logo in cad so that we can mill it out with our c.n.c. machine. I can't wait to start the fiberglass work. I'm itching with anticipation.
Well me and juice got some work done on the van last night.

I'm going to try to get some of the details done on it today.
Like cut out the finder wells and make the front grill.
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No picture updates today. How ever we did get some work done on the van. We started on the body work yesterday using bondo to fix the holes and gaps in the body. We also started the finder flairs and the interior of the van. Don't know if I'll be able to work on it today or not but if I do I think I'll do some more work on the interior. I'm still not sure what I want to do with the inside of the van far wise as entertainment for my son any ideas?
Not much of an update but last night I started on the shell design on the top on the van. I also did some body work and getting ready to start the fiberglass . I hope to get a lot more done by the end of next week.
Awesom! Your son is gonna love it! :thumbsup

My oldest has also developed a taste for the older stuff. His favourite right now is He-Man circa 1983. :D
Awesom! Your son is gonna love it! :thumbsup

My oldest has also developed a taste for the older stuff. His favourite right now is He-Man circa 1983. :D

Thanks man. That's awesome your son likes the old stuff to. He-man was always my favorite as a kid. I still have a lot of my old toys from that series.
Another small update on the van. My wife and I just got the shell design mounted on the top of the van I'll post a pic tonight.