Iron Man Mk6 Helmet- pepakura to moulding- lots of photos!


So a few months ago I decided to start a Mk6 Iron man helmet. I went the pepakura route and now just finishing molding my first helmet a few days ago.

So now pics from start to current state.






Finally decent enough lol

First pulls of the helmet. No touch ups or anything yet.



Don't worry, I casted the ears separately and will apply them with some resin or superglue to the helmet. I used smooth-on products. Casted the helmets and ears in smoothcast 300. Silicone mold was made out of mold max stroke.

I plan on touching it up and applying some automotive paint. Can anyone recommend some good paints to get? I also cant find what exact colors they used for the movie. I remember an old post on here about what colors they used but I don't remember the name of the thread or who was making the helmet.

I am also planning on creating a hinge system so the faceplate can open up. I have checked home depot but I can never find any that would work. If anyone can point me in the right direction for the hinges to look for that would be amazing.
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the thing with casts is, that there are a lot of different people allready selling them. so you either need the most accurate or the one with the lowest price to get sales going :)

anyways, its looking good
Thanks man. I plan on selling these cheap. There are still lots I got to do to fix this helmet. But the more feedback the better.

EDIT: I plan on adding teeth with foam or might make casts of them separately. I am also planning on adding the screw marks on the side of the face. LEDS for the eyes I got handled.
its really hard to say from these pics, as you cant clearly make out how the faceplate and thehelmet line up.
also, is the faceplate extra, is there a seperate neckplate etc :)

overall it looks like a nice helmet, i might even be interested (i only do trades tho xD) but no trade talk outside the jy.

you need to get some closeup shots for better criticism :)

the thing most important to a lot of people is definitely how the pieces line up.
looks really good I never finished my IM helmet. I put too much bondo on the project and it went to S**T after looking at a lot of IM helmets on here and yours was the last to see I'll try it again.
Just found the paints and checked out Xrobots hinge system. Might try it out. I want to get my hands on some good servos too. finishing up sanding and prepping for paint tonight.
Great to finally see it finished bro, i remember going to the apartment and seeing it in just straight bondo and wanting to **** myself. I think its awesome regardless of any slight imperfections anyone might see. kudos man!
Update: painted the faceplate sunburst gold.




These are a few days old, they have been tweeked sightly.

On a sad note, my hot knife did break today :/
that gold came out really nice, i cant wait to see the finished product. its making me consider doing one after i finish my Captain America shield.
Thanks guys! I'm finishing up the back of the head now. got to make sure everything is symmetrical. I'm going to be travelling a bit today so i wont have a lot of time to work on it today. Maybe pics later tonight. But thanks for the feedback!!
Here are some updates on the rest of the helmet!




I still a lot I have to clean up. I need to get a new camera to take better pics :/
Alright, here it is with the gold faceplate on it. Excuse the mess, I am in the middle of a move lol




Still need to add screw marks for the faceplate and the helmet. Also, need to even out the sides of the helmet to match with the upper lip curve thing so it looks seamless. for some reason when I pepped it, the model didnt do that. Probably my fault at pepping. But I have been just adding more thickened plastic (smooth cast 300 plus ure-fil 11) and just sanding it out like bondo.

Ure-fill 11 has been awesome. It is a thickening powder that you can add to mold max stroke and smooth cast 300. makes it into a thick paste. I highly recommend it. It only works on specific silicones and plastics, so be careful if you decide to grab some. I work with it like bondo sometimes and it isnt brittle at all. I will be using it to reinforce the buckles inside the helmet that attach the jaw to the back of the helmet.
Which file did you use for this pep? I really like this version. I actually just finished pepping an ironman helmet, but I am not super fond of the lack of detail in my version.
It was Sharkman and Dunghead pep file. Props to those guys, amazing work!!!

So I made another cast for a friend and she touched it up a bit and did a war machine color scheme. I think she did a great job on it.




Here is a version of the hinge system.


I bought an erector set and fiddled around with a hinge system after looking at some videos. I dont know anything about servos, so this will be a manual open faceplate. With this version there is little room for your head to fit, but we are creating a slimmer version that will do the trick hopefully.

More updates soon.
I am just busy putting my pep together for this helm. Spent about 7 hours today and just finished the jaw, but I am a bit of a perfectionist to that is why it took so long. Any chance you have some photos of your mould and how you did it? I am planning on casting mine and was curious to see how you did it.

Thanks! Looks awesome by the way! I can see why you didn't include the teeth, they are a pain!
I am just busy putting my pep together for this helm. Spent about 7 hours today and just finished the jaw, but I am a bit of a perfectionist to that is why it took so long. Any chance you have some photos of your mould and how you did it? I am planning on casting mine and was curious to see how you did it.

Thanks! Looks awesome by the way! I can see why you didn't include the teeth, they are a pain!

Yeah no prob. I will have them up tomorrow. The teeth are going to be done in foam, kind of how project earth did his. He was the one that got me motivated to do mine. Wish mine was half as good as his.

I am going to end up having to mold the jaw, dome, and faceplate into separate molds anyways, but i will post the initial mold I had made of the whole helmet.
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