2011 Red Y-Wing: Build Thread™


What a great pic. I trust Gene when he says it's an early pic, but I can't help wondering if at least one pyro Y hadn't already been blown up at this stage. Look at that starboard rear thrust nozzle thingie. It looks already painted and weathered (by hand and/or by real flames), as if it were a leftover part reused.
RE: the photo I just posted - I'll look through a couple of photos of known pyro Y-wings (any shots you see of it hanging from monofilament - that's a pyro ship), but I don't think this is a pyro ship. There is far too much custom detail for what I would consider something that is going to be expendable.

Also, based on what else is on the same roll of negative (lens tests and some shots of the electronic control system for the Dflex being built), I think this is fairly early on in the process - too early for them to be building individual ships for pyro shots.


PS - can someone point me to a FAQ on "TIE Killer" and "Red Jammer" and all that nomenclature? They all just look like Y-wings to me....

When you get down to it Gene they are all just Y-Wings :lol:thumbsup
And how could any Y-wing ever be considered a "Tie Killer"....when
there more like "Tie Bait"! LOL
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Anyone else noticed that on the blu ray archive shots that there are a whole bunch of Y's on the shelves and their is even two different sized y's. The standard and a smaller model?
TIE bait? They were committed to a plan of attack and unable to defend themselves. The X-wings came off no better all in all.

The movies show Y-wings to be fast, capable and well-armed fighters. I don't get this whole "Y-wings are older and slower" stuff. Older than what? TIEs? Sure, but the X-wings are no newer. This stuff is not supported by the films.

Edit: someone upload more pics, for the love of god. The need for another fix is driving me spare. In case you can't tell. :p
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Just clocked another little difference from Triangles to the Killer, im pretty sure thats a DFV turbo on the hull upper mid section of Triangles, its a different part on the Killer.
Seems various additional parts were just sourced to give them "some" identity?
Love to hear Jamie and Dan's thoughts on all this, i dont get very excited with ANH models of late, until now.
Jeez, really want to get to this build now.

Ok some Y pix from the bonus disc. In the first pic you can see two Y's at different scales.
In the 3rd pic from Jedi you can see the Bill George y which is what threw me before.








Sorry for the quality but i cant screen grab from blu ray.
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I think both Jason and Steve are correct, the greeblies on the body and
engines match the TIE killer; however, the wings do not. To me the detailing of the parts look fairly soft, whereas the TIE killer was quickly thrown in rubber. My theory is that they cast the TIE killer body and engines for use as a pyro, and stuck on what ever wings were available. As far as the engine nozzle, that was used as reference for painting to assure the pyro matched the hero version.

Simon! Pic 5 of triangles is awesome.. I can grab from blu ray which disk are these on?

Oohhh Triangles, you are so sexy and mysterious....

So, is it about to go "boom" in this shot? The back end cover is off/missing. I see a rod/bundle of wires from above, and to me it looks like it's entering the body at the lower right back end, with putty.... what the heck is going on?

Looks that way Jason, looks like its charge rigged to me, wonder if that runs all the way to the inner hull?
So, is there a chance Triangles, is the Y wing all burnt to a cinder in the Lucasfilm soundstage photographs, and therefore, is still around?

Check the photo closey guys !!! Gene's photo posted earlier IS 100% confirmed Triangles! Check Simons pic above getting loaded with explosives....You can see the big pipe coming off of the back of the head detail plate. Not seen on any other Y Wing! Can be seen in the picture Gene posted!!!


Also you can see the pre scoring of the engines so the model blows into several pieces... RIP Triangles...... the trench run.. Gold Leader... MOM tour y and Triangles.....

So i would say Triangles, is the Y blown up in the "Empire of Dreams" from the old box set?
Saw those wires into the head when Gene posted Steve, just figured for a hose, not a charge, good call, and those score/razor saw marks in the engine cans, yeah, they match up spot on.

Just fudge up Jasons build thread a little more, sorry Jason lol, im a tad confused.
This Y wing here, the "Profiles" its using the wing roots and engines from Triangles.

The aft hull, as far as i can see, NOT Triangles, at least, not in the respect, this hull, is using a LEM unit in the centre hull, not a Ford DFV tranny ring with cast in brake caliper.
So, where was this hull from? Cast originally from the Red Jammer, so Steve would be right and this is proof, All Y's were, or could have been cast from the Jammer hull?

Just tryin to get my head around it, as you all know, im a bit a clutz with ANH models.

Holy CRAP. Look how thin the back engine vane assembly is!! Look how well cast it is! Look how awesome the Leggs Egg "braces" are! 5 foot Falcon builders will probably dig them, too!

NICE......its all very Mike Salzo on the casting again huh.....killer. Nice cheeky FM B wing cameo too though lol.

Yeah, I have family obligations today... it's killing me! But I have ALL DAY tomorrow to devote to the bench! :love
The "Profiles" Wing is a complete hybrid. Both the engines and one wing are surviving bits,(what I call "screen 'abused ") that he swept off the stage floor.

The head and neck/body are period castings, made at the time (1976/77), and for the production. When they were deemed "surplus", one of the model guys snagged them (and the Pyro bits) to make one for himself. He was intending to build a hero model and even snagged some Sat V parts and L'eggs eggs and Plastruct. Some of the detail parts were castings that ILM made with an injection molding machine. (They were a translucent white when i saw them a few years ago.) Anyways, the thing sat in a box in his garage for 30 years. When he decided to sell it, he incorporated the Pyro bits into the overall display.

As to what version/variant it is, I'll leave that up to you.
