Puppet Master Blade Project


Sr Member
Hello! I'm working on building a 1:1 replica of Blade from the Puppet Master series. I'm sure a few people on here have checked out my site at NEWS - WELCOME TO PAT'S PROP REPLICAS!. If you haven't, stop by and check it out!

Anyway, I've customized quite a few Blade's and this is the newest so far. I got the coat from a fellow Puppet Master fan, and the pants from another friend of mine. Finding a hat was probably the most annoying part of the whole thing. Anyway, I just need to find a pair of shoes and add the knife and hook.

The main body is a 20'' wooden artist mannequin, so it has great articulation.

Hope you all like it!





Its actually a modified Cowboy hat I found online. I had to fix the dimples in the top, ad the ribbon/bow, trim the brim down, and reshape it so it doesn't stick up all crazy on the sides. I had to try a million things to get it to hold its shape. I tried boiling water, fabric stiffener, and just plain bending it, lol.
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