Patrick Read Johnson's 5-25-77 (Post-release)

Re: Patrick Read Johnson's 5-25-77

Present and accounted for! Hi!

Welcome to the RPF!
Now my interest in the project has been rekindled, amd just like anybody else I am eager to hear making of stories after its release!

Any plans for European releases, i.e. for Germany?!
Re: Patrick Read Johnson's 5-25-77

I hope it actually comes out next month as advertised. It's been too long.

The Wook
Re: Patrick Read Johnson's 5-25-77

Looking forward to it!

Must say the old trailer was more moving/compelling. And the music is mixed too loud on this one; hard to hear the dialog.
Re: Patrick Read Johnson's 5-25-77

I'm SOOO lost. What is it about? A kid with an obsession or Star Wars? This trailers looks like a jumbled mess....I doubt it will ever be released.
Re: Patrick Read Johnson's 5-25-77

I don't remember the term "geeks" really being used in 1977. It was all "nerds" due to the Happy Days craze.
Re: Patrick Read Johnson's 5-25-77

Cripes... saw this... must be 5-6 years ago when he brought it by ILM... got to be a record.
Re: Patrick Read Johnson's 5-25-77

I don't remember the term "geeks" really being used in 1977. It was all "nerds" due to the Happy Days craze.

"Geek" was the word of choice where I grew up, in the 'burbs of Philadelphia. No one said "nerd". I remember this specifically because in '79 some of my buds and I planned a surprise "Geek Day" at school, where we were all supposed to dress up like geeks. Only Tommy Hummel and I had the guts to go through with it. If I can find the photo, I'll post it. But suffice to say, we were decked out in floods, white socks with beat-up dress shoes, pocket protectors loaded with pens, glasses with tape at the bridge, and greasy hair parted on the side. lol

Our teacher, Mr. Nelms, after looking Tommy and me over like we were idiots, asked us and the class if we knew what a geek actually was. We said no, and he informed us that it was the name of the guy at the carnival who bites off the heads of live chickens. lol

At any rate, Tommy and I played the part, staying in character the whole day, and the rest of the kids and some of the teachers, had a good laugh at our antics. While this was '79, not '77, we had been saying the word, "geek", for several years. And in spite of the popularity of Happy Days, the word, "nerd", was not used by us kids--it was considered old-fashioned.

The Wook
Re: Patrick Read Johnson's 5-25-77

Maybe it was just a regional thing. Where I came from no one used the word geek until the 80s.
Re: Patrick Read Johnson's 5-25-77

Maybe it was just a regional thing. Where I came from no one used the word geek until the 80s.

Where did you grow up? I remember when "Revenge of the Nerds" came out in '84, my friends and I were like, "Nerds?? Who says nerds? They shoulda called it "Revenge of the Geeks"!

The Wook
Re: Patrick Read Johnson's 5-25-77

At long last!!! Now, I am STILL wondering if we are going to see this film released over here in Europe/Germany moonwatcher1
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Re: Patrick Read Johnson's 5-25-77

From Patrick's FB post:

"Our theater list is up at If your favorite theater isn't on the list, and you REALLY want to see the film on 5-25-77-- or soon thereafter-- please go to and captain your own screening!"
Re: Patrick Read Johnson's 5-25-77

NOTHING in TN? The regal cinema HEADQUARTERS for the entire USA is walking distance from me...

I thought this was an ACTUAL release... not just a 1 time showing...

Kinda lackluster after the long wait.