Screen Accurate Millennium Falcon Cockpit (CG Model)

Is that an armitage shanks sink knob similar to the one used on Ben's lightsaber on the base of those D-handles too?

I need new glasses though, so it's just kind of a 6-knobby thing to my blurred vision. XD
hmm, I think you're right about these switches. They don't look much different than the switches in the cockpit (at a glance) but I don't know if they're definitely the same ones, especially since this is the ESB nav console... but I may try to counter sink the switch model and see how it looks in the cockpit.
Thanks folks!

got a question to throw open. Does anyone know what type of film canister this is?


I think there are some in the Falcon's main hold, either in plain white or painted. What do you think?


They're cases for 2" videotape reels, also known as "quad". TV industry was transitioning to 1" around that time, so throwouts were probably easily had. They're also seen as part of Han's reward in the rebel hangar.

And the renders are awesome! (Repeats in the weathering apparent, tho. ;) )
Awesome, thanks Treadwell!

Yeah, I was afraid that repeats might be evident, I'll get on that as I start to texture the rest of the corridor padding.

Thanks also to DS Operative and Smoothrat.
Hey Treadwell,

I'm finding plenty of images of 2" quad video reels, but very few of that style of case. Do you know if there was a particular brand that used them, of if that type of case had its own name?
Alas, I'm not familiar enough with them to recognize brands. Just like with every other media up to today, every brand had its own case...

1" reels also used the same kind of cases, so maybe you could find a better match there and just widen it.
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