Final Fantasy VII


New Member
Hello, I was wondering if anyone could make some (wearable and life-sized) armor and weapons for me.
Notably Sephiroth's shoulder plates, Cloud Strife's Buster sword (or the one he uses in the Advent Children movie), and/or Vincent Valentine's gauntlet.

The ones I found on the internet either don't exist or are too small in size and not editable.

Many thanks in advance :)

EDIT: I meant if anyone could make a 3D-file out of it, and perhaps someone who could unfold it in pepakura so I could papercraft it :p
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eva foam looks like a good choice for the shoulder armor, as far as the sword, it would take someone far more experienced than I to tell you how to do that one.
Hmm I just noticed I didn't describe my first post very well..

I meant if anyone could make a 3D file out of it, and perhaps someone who could unfold it in pepakura so I could papercraft it :p
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