Lawgiver OLED Display screen


Sr Member
I took a bit of a different approach with making this screen. Instead of having a canned routine I wanted to make it more interactive and make it work as a "real life" Lawgiver would work, vs. strictly "screen accurate".

At a minimum, that meant having voice commands and trigger pulls counting down "spent rounds".

The Voice Commands are generally reliable, but not 100%. More like 98%. Not good enough for real law enforcement but good enough for showing off at a Con or something. :)
Cycling the specialty ammo modes can also be done manually.

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Quick answer - yes I want to make these available but the selling rules have changed a bit here. I need to figure that out, proper.
I would be in! I guess I should get to work on a Lawgiver to put it in though. So many projects,so little time.
Quick answer - yes I want to make these available but the selling rules have changed a bit here. I need to figure that out, proper.
Awesome, awesome work. I love it.

In the event you don't get a run together, can you at least share the basic parts that were used? I feel like this is the kind of thing I could probably get a handle on making if I knew where to source the appropriate parts.
Oh my GOD! I need some alone time!
That is amazing!
What is the microcontroller you are using?
Would you be willing to put out a parts list and code?
If not I'll buy a kit off you if you do sell. :)

Again totally awesome work.

Oh can the name of the Judge be changed easily?
any OLED screen that is the right size should work..

but you'll need a micro controller or something to go along with it.

Also.. there any many voice recognition systems out there as well. (easily coupled with say an Arduino and OLED screen of choice)

great job/work!

(+1 on (upper) mid-west!)
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It's cool that there is interest here - It's a cool prop!

What about programming the "click" noises the gun makes when it switches between specialty ammo's?

Yes, I am working on that. This is happening.

My goal for this was really to see if I could do it. What would a "run" look like? Man. I don't know. I've never done one. I've made props and parts over the years and they have been mostly "JIT" type of delivery. The nature of this thing is a little different because of the work required to put it all together. I know the bulk of the replies are from back in the Summer, with interest from about 7 people, yes? That is sort of manageable.

The thing that has been hanging me up on offering something is the Voice Recognition part. It works, and it works well but it requires teaching the voice chip to recognize your voice and matching it to the programmed command. There just isn't an easy way to do it or someone else. I am going to try using a recording to teach the chip, and then see if it works with my real voice. We'll see.

I was thinking of creating an Instructables around this detailing the parts and selling a pre-programmed microcontroller (the heart of this is the code). This puts the project in *your* hands and then you aren't waiting on me. In addition to the Instrucables, I thought to offer a couple slots where I could put the thing together for you also.

Thoughts from those interested?
Depending on price I'd be in for TWO made in full as I'm null at handcrafting lol
I'd adapt them to my lawgiver of course, but the main wiring, buttonnery and such could be made by expert hands please ;)
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