Disney's Paperinik (Duck avenger, Phantom duck) http://www.therpf.com/images/styles/s


New Member
hello guys!
I decided to doa new cosplay after my last 2 spideys, and this time i went on a dinsey superhero i used to love when i was a child!
here in Italy it's called paperinik, but i have seen that he has different names all over the world and it's knowned even as Pk, duck avenger or phantom duck; it is Donald duck secret identity.

here's an image of him:

View attachment 238539

So before starting with the costume itself (wich it doesn't seems so difficult to make afterall), i wanted to make myself into a duck XD, so i arranged a way to do the "face"; anyway i wanna try to give it a "cartoon" look so to not make it too much "real".
I took a white secondskin mask, and i draw the eyes and the black mask on it, and then i started working on the duck bill:
to make it i used some hard paper, glue, and part of a hat with the sunshade; then i painted it with the right colors.
I tried to make his blue hat too, but it came out crappy and i have to do it all over again.. it has a particular shape so if anyone has suggestions or ideas it would be appreciated :) :p

This is what i have at the moment:





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Re: Disney's Paperinik (Duck avenger, Phantom duck) http://www.therpf.com/images/styl

new update! my girlfriend made me a new hat! the one i made myself was horrible XD
meanwhile i'm making the Belt :)

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