Sam Fisher/splinter cell suit


Well-Known Member
Ok I have been working on my costume and heres what I have so far.

Black longsleeve underarmor. Didn't think I needed a pic for this.
Tactical Belt
Knife-pre cool
Real Knife
Sheath- First prototype that I made before I coated the blade with plasti-dip spray. Im going to make a new one definitely.
Just a random referance pic for mask
Gloves- Im going to get oakley factory pilot gloves.
Boots- Wetsuit booties.

Any help on how the goggles can be accomplished would be great.

Also does anyone know of really breathable lycra material and a link to it. I really need this for the front of my mask as you can see in the pic.

Feel free to leave comments and advice.

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I am planning on making a splinter cell suit and heres what I had in mind.
Custom made spandex balaclava.
Black SAS dropleg holster from
Wetsuit-I surf or spandex two piece suit.
Airsoft pistol.
BDU-substitute for wetsuit/spandex suit.
Made a knife and sheath.
One thing I don't know how to make is fake NVGs.

Any suggestions on the costume would be amazing. Also, is a good site? Do you know any other spandex sites?

Going off of this:

I'd try going with a black long sleeve turtleneck underarmor style shirt, and some type of subdued urban camo BDU pants for a start. The vest in the game is custom, so I think you'll have to fabricate it yourself, or go with something that is close enough.
He also looks to be wearing some type of wrist length operator gloves.
As for boots, you could probably get away with almost any black modern combat boot. You're on your way, keep us updated!
Alright I'll take pictures of my knife I made.:)

I also like the idea of having jungle camo/od camo like in pandora tommorow
These are some pics of the mask.






My camera is on the fritz so I can't put my pics of my knife I made or the mask I took pics of.

Also, anyone know how I could make this mask?:lol:wacko
The person from has not emailed me back on the mask.:unsure

Any help would be appreciated.
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For the night-vision goggles, I would start with a swimming mask that had a close enought shape, then use some short lenghts of PVC and some green LEDs. Use some elastic to add the over-the-head strap. Paint the whole thing black and call it done.

I am planning on making a splinter cell suit and heres what I had in mind.
Custom made spandex balaclava.
Black SAS dropleg holster from
Wetsuit-I surf or spandex two piece suit.
Airsoft pistol.
BDU-substitute for wetsuit/spandex suit.
Made a knife and sheath.
One thing I don't know how to make is fake NVGs.

Any suggestions on the costume would be amazing. Also, is a good site? Do you know any other spandex sites?


Here is a guy that made those glasses

that wrist computer on his left arm looks like one of those 1st generation Palm brand PDA's. Too bad I didn't see this sooner, I threw one away a month ago I found in the bottom of my locker at work, I would've gave it to you. :cry
Is that really the pistol he uses?

Don't be down about the PDA. I'm not too concerned. I'll just use my cell phone.-the alias/dual flipper.:lol

Here are the gloves I'm thinking about.


Pretty Schweet huh!:lol

I like the green. I think I'm gonna go for an OD/black sammy.
The MK23 is a good choice for the sidearm. I know that he uses an FN Five-Seven in the game, but I don't think I've ever seen an airsoft version of it.
As for the knife, I'd go with the third one down for the most accurate to the game.

- John

Edit: I just checked and found that Marushin has made an airsoft 5.7.
Yeah, the MK23 is most recognizable as the main gun of ANOTHER videogame character... Right John?;)
Yeah, the MK23 is most recognizable as the main gun of ANOTHER videogame character... Right John?;)

Wha? Resident Evil?

Oh and knight saber when my camera works I'll show you the wooden knife I made. Its immaculate!
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VERY COOL! I'm going to go the route with the mask though. Like the first level. And also a custom one with Olive Drab.

How did you do the goggles. How did you do the LEDS.
I´ve sculpted the frame with clay,than I´ve made a mould and finally I´ve filled it with latex.I´ve used some PVC pipes,some green plastic for the lenses, and 3 leds for the lightning effect.I´m not very happy with the result, because I´ve noticed that the size is far too big!But the green lightning is very accurate from my point of view.

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