Gotham City Police License Plate


Active Member
A friend of mine was walking around downtown yesterday while they were preparing for a shot that required a lot of Gotham PD vehicles. She managed to get a good picture of one of the license plates on the cars.

I'm just putting this out there as a reference photo. I have no ability to create replicas of this prop, but can see how it might be cool for someone to have a Gotham PD plate on their car considering how many 'My other car is the batmobile' bumper stickers I've seen.

The '0' on the plate does obscure a bit of the center image on the plate, overall its a pretty clean picture. Feel free to share the image if anyone has the inkling to produce some plates. :cheers:
It's funny. In the real world, cities are not listed at the top of the plate, it would be the state. Technically, it should say New Jersey (cause that's the state in which Gotham resides fictionally) and have Gotham somewhere else as a specialy plate. Maybe at the bottom or part of the police design. But thanks for posting it.
I’m interested in getting a replica Gotham police plate.

There is quite a few reference pix on Google’s
Don’t know if any of those will be good enough to pull the graphics off
I’m interested in getting a replica Gotham police plate.

There is quite a few reference pix on Google’s
Don’t know if any of those will be good enough to pull the graphics off

You'd need someone to redraw the center logo in a graphics program. The rest would be very easy.

The reference images online aren't quite good enough to piece the logo together with the plate numbers blocking the logo in various areas.
The prop photos are also mostly at different angles and have different lighting conditions.
I found a decent photo that I was able to use to create a passable version of the logo. It doesn't look great but it shouldn't matter at this size.

Here is the plate.


  • Gotham Plate.png
    Gotham Plate.png
    657.6 KB · Views: 305
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