'Fake' Star Trek Raktajeno Mug & Picard Cup on eBay - Seller minicoopersowner

Alan Castillo

Master Member
As far as I can tell, this is a $15 Hotjo mug.

eBay - The UK's Online Marketplace

Yes / No ?

It looks exactly like the one I have anyway. (Mine hereunder)

http://highwave.bigcartel.com/product/hotjo (Forest Green)


From the auction (Flipped for comparison)


Caveat Emptor.
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Re: Star Trek DS9 'Original' Raktajeno Mug (?) ... on eBay


That's what they were
Re: Star Trek DS9 'Original' Raktajeno Mug (?) ... on eBay

No the mugs the person selling on ebay are not original mugs. While the same maker and style, the original mugs used on the show had round handles, not the square shaped that the person is selling. If you look closely at the screen caps he/she has on the auctions, you can clearly make out that the mugs have the round handles, not the same as the mugs up for sale.
I attached a screen cap of Kira with one mugs to show what I mean.
I also attached some pictures of the 4 style of mugs that were used on the show. While some are not the right color, they are all the right design of what was used on the show.

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Re: Star Trek DS9 'Original' Raktajeno Mug (?) ... on eBay

Yes Terry, 100% correct I believe, the one on eBay is nothing but a $15 Hotjo mug, a more 'modern' version of the ones used on DS9.

The current Hotjos like I have are close enough, but definitely not used on DS9.

Andreas also has some good screen caps on his site, here

Raktajino Mug (Quark’s Bar)

Although Andreas says the more modern ones were used in later seasons, that refers to the ones in Quark's bar, not the ones in ops as is on sale, and to the ones with 'squiggly' handles.
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Re: Star Trek DS9 'Original' Raktajeno Mug (?) ... on eBay

The seller has been selling these "original" mugs on ebay for months. He also has "original" Earl Grey mugs, and 10 Forward mugs too.
Unfortunately, he has scammed a few fans out of their money.
But I guess if you don't know for sure, and you believe what he says, you get your "original" mug. He has a 99% positive rating, so just about everyone is happy with their purchase.

I love this lines he puts in his description "This is an authentic extra custom cup created for use in the show itself." and "comes from a friend of mine who used to work on the show." I guess this friend has a lot of left over mugs and cups.:lol
All the mugs and cups used on all the Trek shows were found items, not made just for the shows.

Re: 'Fake original' Star Trek Raktajeno & Picard Mugs on eBay - Seller minicoopersown

Well, that settles that then. Thread title changed accordingly.

Yes, I've seen his Picard tea cups too.

This other seller below sells the 'wrong' kind (has a raised bottom), but at least admits they're 'Picard Style', and not "This is an authentic extra custom cup created for use in the show itself." :rolleyes


The correct ones to look for, as this minicoopersowner is selling, are from a tea set named 'Le Pot', or came in a set of two named 'Bistro Duo'.

They still show up regularly, and very cheap, on the bay. Just search 'Bodum Bistro Cup' and similar.

But again, definitely not 'custom creations for the show itself'.
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Amazing how people are so easily suckered in.

BTW, the Picard 'custom cup created for use in the show' went for $103.50.
Oh well, I suppose some kind soul will eventually tell the buyer where they can get a 'custom made for the show' mug for $15 to keep their 'original' company :angel
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Re: Star Trek DS9 'Original' Raktajeno Mug (?) ... on eBay

.....If you look closely at the screen caps he/she has on the auctions, you can clearly make out that the mugs have the round handles, not the same as the mugs up for sale.


Here's a clearer picture of what you were saying Terry, from the guy's auction, gamma raised for clarity.

Amazing isn't it. So unfair on buyers who are unaware of what they're really getting :thumbsdown

From the auctions :

'Authentic Original STAR TREK DEEP SPACE NINE'


'This auction includes the original green mug shown in photographs and it is all 100% guaranteed original. This item is extremely rare and comes from a friend of mine who used to work on the show. This is an authentic extra custom mug created for use in the show itself. This item is guaranteed authentic or your money back.'

Identical text in the Picard cups auctions.

Money back would be the way to go then I suppose.

Yeah, when pigs fly.
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You used to be able to find those mugs everywhere.

The Picard style (made by Bodum glassware) where sold at Cost Plus Imports in assorted sizes and colors (red, black, white)
Look for bodum bistro nouveau coffee glass.
I have a complete 12 piece serving set in black.

The flatware that was used in 2001 and Voyager was also available at Cost Plus Imports.
Venus, stainless steel made in India.

The silver cylinder seen in most crews quarters in TNG is a thermos made by Gott.
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So unfair on buyers who are unaware of what they're really getting :thumbsdown
Absolutly no intention to offend you, but in my oppinion the only unfair in this is that not every human being is equaly smart. ;)
If the buyers spent lots of money without doing just a little research and not being in doubt about the seller's description, I think the major part of the failure is on their side.

The offered mugs are from 'Highwave' called 'Hotjo'. Hotjo SL | Highwave.com

The Sisko mug with the curved handle is from 'Highwave' too but is called 'Joe Beene'. Highwave — Joe Beene
These ones are very hard to find. At least in Western Europe ;)
Why on earth should I be offended ?

I am merely pointing out the practice of one of many unscrupulous sellers who take advantage of buyers who are not members of the RPF or similar, and who do not have the privilege of having this detailed information at their fingertips which enables them to make an educated choice.

Members of forums like the RPF etc constitute a very minor percentage of the totality of people who are movie fans.

It is those people that are taken advantage of, and that is what I see as very unfair.
The Picard style (made by Bodum glassware) where sold at Cost Plus Imports in assorted sizes and colors (red, black, white)
Look for bodum bistro nouveau coffee glass.
I have a complete 12 piece serving set in black.


Yep. :thumbsup See post #6. They still show up on eBay very regularly as sets and pairs, and are very cheap. I picked up a boxed pair for £6. There is another pair at the moment for £4.99, and a set of 6 for $30.

Heck, this pair went for £2.99, and these 4 (with 2 milk glasses and coasters no less), went for £3.22 !
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