BvS Batarang - Attempt 2 and much more screen accurate


Active Member
I wanted to redo my BvS batarang from my other posts as it was not very screen accurate and didn't look very blade-like. This time I planned it out much better from the initial steps, I drew out a sketch of how I wanted the blade to appear (more curved), cut it in half so I could just flip it for symmetry and traced it out onto some 6mm balsa wood from a craft store. I cut it out with an exact-o knife and did some shaping with a rotary sanding drum (didn't add any edges, just the outline of the blade), and then made a junk mold with EasyCast resin as it would be easier to sand into shape. From there I just lightly carved some guidelines on where the blade and body met and sanded down the blades to points.

20161121_174208.jpg 20161124_143846.jpg 20161220_210412.jpg20161220_210548.jpgSDCC-2016-QMX-036.jpg

I used the QMX version as a reference point this time, as the screen grab from my last build wasn't very accurate. I feel that it should turn out pretty good, just need to carve in those lines in the body and thin guidelines for the chrome part (so the end paint job is identical for successive castings).

I do have a question about molding though, with the last one I added vents to the bat ears and wing tips and had the pour in funnel on the 'head' and they turned out great, but the wing edges kept catching bubbles, I assume because it would hit the 'roof' of the mold and get stuck. Would it be better to make the bottom tip the pour in funnel and just sand that down every time, or should I try and add very thin vents to the wings and hope they allow bubbles to escape?


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So I was able to finish a cast with some different painting versions. The cast is wet sanded at 600grit, painted with some lightly thinned black acrylic paint and the metal blade was done differently on each side. One side was just masked off and the blade was painted with silver (slight tearing when removing the tape, but looks solid), half of the other side was just drybrushed on without any masking tape lines like the old version (it does look more battle damaged but I think it looks too messy for this version), and the other side was masked off and dry brushed with silver giving it a clear line and the edge some 'battle damage flecks'. I'd like some feedback on what side looks best.
I also embedded some magnets inside during the casting process so they work great as fridge magnets.

20161228_174919.jpg Normal masking and painting

20161228_174930.jpg Right side is just drybrushed, left had masking tape and drybrushing

And the old version for comparison, it was a little smaller then the new one:
20161228_175114.jpg 20161228_175050.jpg
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