Aquaman Movie Replica Bracers


New Member
These are my best effort to replicate the bracers seen in the new Jason Momoa Aquaman movie. I made the entire costume for SDCC 2016 but this is a little preview of the build I'm posting soon.

They were first hand cut out of leather, molded and then cast out of Smooth Cast 65D. Aged and weathered a bit for effect. Fitted while curing. Considering doing a small run for sale. Can either send ready to wear as pictured or freshly pulled. Grey tinting also possible.



  • bracer3.jpg
    527.8 KB · Views: 369
Wow! That's the best one I've seen in a while. Nice sculpt! We should do a trade if you're really interested. I actually screwed mine up in the two part molding process (forgot to spray mold release... Trident sealed inside). What I could salvage from the sculpt is still sitting on my table.

its a 3d print buddy free file from thingiverse ;)
too bad for your sculpt :-O
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