Working Assassins Creed Hidden blade


Sr Member
really wasn't if this should go here or in off topic but figured so many people were working on these it might stand a better chance being seen here in the props forum (also wasn't sure if this had been posted yet)

this guy made a working Assassins creed 1 style hidden blade that both extends and retracts

its not a tutorial on how to build one but it does make mention of what he used and how the system works

thought this might be of interest to those working on this prop and hope it helps

Kotaku, the Gamer
A fellow by the name of Abonude made mine. After getting them I understand how they work completely(Aka the drawer slide method) and might make my own in the future.

He was a pretty cool guy and actually has a 3 part tutorial on how to make em. He also sells them too I believe.

YouTube - ‪Hidden Blade Tutorial Part 1 (Parts and tools)‬‏

FYI, the force of the retraction is very strong. I replaced his backing with a bolt covered in rubber tubing as well as his springs. Working on the case for them right now.

Additionally the Sinza forum has lots of info on xipoids in general.
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