Best paint to use on a gas mask?


Master Member
Bought a gas mask, and it's sort of the wrong color for the look I wanna use on a costume.

What type of paint is best used for repainting these things? I was thinking just regular spray paint, but wasn't sure if enamel paint would harm the plastic or not.

It's a polish? military surplus if that helps.

Just wanna paint the thing, not melt it :)

Any helps appreciated!
That's an interesting question. I'm assuming it's a rubber gas mask?

Quick google search seems to point out that people have had some luck in painting a thin layer of liquid latex dyed with whatever colour pigment you want. Makes sense I suppose, given the latex will have flexibility.

BTW, did you ever get your Mandarin rings finished?
If the mask is rubber, the best would be acrylic paint mixed with some Prosaide medical adhesive. That's what is commonly used to paint latex masks and costumes.

Don't use enamel as it will never cure. Acrylic paint alone will flake off in a very short time.

I will check out the medical adhesive to see if it's cheaper than the latex mold builder I know of.

Mainly just need to darken it up a bit, it's grey now, but I'd like to make it more of a black, or a slightly darker black.

Mandarin rings are about halfway done. Trying to decide if I want to finish them up by hand with stainless steel printed bands, or if i just want to go the resin route and display em.

If you want to cover an area with one color, I think it would work great! Just have to mask off areas you don't want painted, just like with any other paint.
I was thinking the whole mask minus the eyeballs and filters.

Might have to give it a shot. Bought a can a while back and never actually sprayed anything with it. Might as well break it in now :lol

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