Want to build Skyrim Glass dagger


Sr Member
Has anyone attempted this yet?

Anyone have or would be willing to make me a vector plan for it? Thanks for any help y'all.
This one?

Iv'e mostly just seen attempts at helmets and maybe a weapon or two, but no glass dagger yet. Have you started planning this out at all?
I am currently working on the ebony war axe. I found some pep files online and I will post a WIP soon. I would love to see this dagger come together.
That's the one!!! I have ZERO computer skills do any help would be amazing!!!

Are you thinking of having it made by a printer (like Shapeways?) or doing it as a casting with molds and using tinted resin?

If it was me doing it...I'd make it in four pieces; the blade to the pommel as one, the guard as another and the handle/grip as two pieces. It could be done as one whole piece but a decent clear resin is pricey to make something this big.

I don't have a clue what this game is but it does have some neat items in it.
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