Back to the Future Markpoon 2015 Jacket Mods


Sr Member
First of all I want to thank Mark for his hard work and dedication to this project. It is truly a milestone in the BTTF community.

This thread is dedicated to discussing and improving upon Markpoon's 2015 jacket and to the lucky 10 who got in on the run. It is for ideas and the application of those ideas on how to make this jacket even better. Members can discuss and contribute anything they think will be helpful. Even the people who didn't get in on the run are welcome to contribute.

I'd like to start off with one of the first mods that was ever thought of for the jacket. The grey color in the creavaces of the red bumps. It's hasn't been discussed thoroughly, but the basics are all we have right now. The idea is to water down some sort of paint or ink to seep into the cracks and just wipe away any of the extra. This hasn't been tested, so it is still just a theory. And it's such a minor detail that it might prove to be impractical, but the idea is there.

The next one that I have come up with myself is to make the pockets hold their shape instead of bend when you move your arms or body. This can be done by adding a piece of semi-flexible plastic or hard rubber material on the inside of the pocket face. This can also be done to the folding parts of the pockets, but only if it bothers you that much.

The final mod I have thought up would be to glue the belt higher than the black lines suggest. In the movie the jacket is about level with Marty's belt line on his pants. Wearing Mark's how it is goes way past that. So it would be more accurate to.glue the belt a little bit higher and cut and seal up the extra bottom black.fabric that is left.

Another note on the belt. I do belive that Mark made a little mistake on the width of it. It's a little too thick. I believe the real chair part that was used for the screen used prop was 2.5 inches wide. Mark's is 2.755 inches. So if you want to go full out on having a super accurate jacket and have the tools and equipment, I have the idea of using a table saw or band saw (A table saw would cut straighter) to cut the belt directly down the middle and take away equal amounts of plastic from each side to match the screen jacket then glue the halves back together. This would be going to the extreme though and should only be thought of as a possibility.

In this image you can see that the top of the cuff should align with the bottom of the belt

I'd post that picture of his tailor's assistant wearing one of the jackets to compare the belt widths, but I can't seem to find his original thread. But you can probably eyeball it from the first posted picture that mark's is too thick.

Anyway, that is all the mods I can say I can contribute, but I know Taff83, has some plans in mind to install sounds and a blinking light, so stay tuned for that. If you have any of your own ideas, the floor is yours.

NOTE: I made this all on my phone so there is a limited amount of stuff I can do illustrations wise lol
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I'm definitely interested in doing the sounds and light upgrade. I have no real talent for prop building though and will be waiting for Taff83's shopping list (and instructions HOPE HOPE).

I see what you mean about the belt height on the screen used VS Mark's… if it's more than a little off I will likely go down the road of shortening the jacket and repositioning the belt as you mentioned. I'm 5'10" and ordered a medium in hopes it would fit as scene on screen. I'm not really planning on wearing it so much as I am displaying it in all its glory :D.

I will certainly be following this thread to see what great ideas everyone comes up with. Thanks for getting it started.
Great things mentioned here Mitas, subscribed!

I think to tackle the greys in the red rubber material there are two methods of choice.

1.) use a water based grey paint or ink like you suggested, then just take a cloth while the paint/ink is still "wet" and go over the jacket, I would advise doing that in sections as if the paint dries it will only lead to more problems. It should take the paint off the raise diamond tips and leave a dark effect like the original jacket.

2.) paint the whole thing grey then when it has dried paint each diamond tip red.

I'm 99% sure at this moment in time I will go with option 1 (Mitas method) till someone has another option, I have said to myself the whole time I've seen the MP jacket that this would be the easiest option with best results so glad he has mentioned this as well.

I have been looking at USB soundboards and speakers recently but will need to buy a few to test, I really want a board that can support a higher decibel rating.

But if need be I will just use the above as my Current BTTF jacket has these and I know they work fine (just quiet sound effects)

The plastic Acrylic pieces that house the switches on the jacket will either need to be dremmeled with great skill to a paper thin size or replaced as I seriously doubt the switches could be pressed. I will contact Mark and get the brand & colour for the red he used.

I have used it on my current jacket and it works so well! Bare in mind the belts Mark has were provided by me for casting purposes and I am sure 100% it will work for his too, I do plan on possibly reinforcing the hollow inside of the belt with foam to help keep the shape from any impact and to aid in attaching it to the jacket, as you are literally glueing the hollow section to the jacket which leaves a slanted look.
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Great to hear Taff. I wish you luck in your research. A note on the blinking light. On the jackets that did light up, the light section of the buttons was a piece of yellow plastic. The stunt jackets were just plain red, so the buttons included in Mark's kit might have to be completely replaced.

You can see the yellow here:
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In regard to the sound board, all the cheap USB. Boards will sound about the same. It's more about making sure you make a housing for the speaker to create a louder and deeper sound. Also, what I did to get the light to flash in sync with the beeping is to wire the LED to the speakers +\- terminals that come from the sound board. That way as soon as you press the button the light flashes as the sound is made. Easy.

I definitely think that a medium grey acrylic wash will look great over the entire jacket.

I like Mitas's idea about a piece of plastic inserted min the pocket flap.

I really wish we could get the waist and cuff bands cast in solid latex rubber.

Once i I get my jacket, I most likely will take it to a tailor to have it cropped shorter by an inch or two.
The led link to the speaker is pure genius! :D

Ye I think the wash is a must, will transform the jacket instantly.

If the bands were latex rubber there would be no fear of them deforming in shape, I've also been thinking over the last few hours about pouring black silicone into the hollow section, it could have the same effect. I have off cuts of the bellows kicking about so any modifying ideas anyone has let me know and I will tinker about with them.
Thanks Taff. The LED works perfectly, though it lights up when the voice is activated as well but it looks cool.

Theres got got to be someone who can cast these up in rubber/latex. Maybe Aaron...
... I think to tackle the greys in the red rubber material there are two methods of choice.

1.) use a water based grey paint or ink like you suggested, then just take a cloth while the paint/ink is still "wet" and go over the jacket, I would advise doing that in sections as if the paint dries it will only lead to more problems. It should take the paint off the raise diamond tips and leave a dark effect like the original jacket.

2.) paint the whole thing grey then when it has dried paint each diamond tip red.

I'm 99% sure at this moment in time I will go with option 1 (Mitas method) till someone has another option, I have said to myself the whole time I've seen the MP jacket that this would be the easiest option with best results so glad he has mentioned this as well. ...

I agree, for Markpoon's jacket option 1 is the better method, even though the material of the original jacket is a bit different. As you can see on the hi-res picture, it's gray and just the tops of the bubbles/diamonds are painted red.



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In regard to the sound board, all the cheap USB. Boards will sound about the same. It's more about making sure you make a housing for the speaker to create a louder and deeper sound. Also, what I did to get the light to flash in sync with the beeping is to wire the LED to the speakers +\- terminals that come from the sound board. That way as soon as you press the button the light flashes as the sound is made. Easy.

I definitely think that a medium grey acrylic wash will look great over the entire jacket.

I like Mitas's idea about a piece of plastic inserted min the pocket flap.

I really wish we could get the waist and cuff bands cast in solid latex rubber.

Once i I get my jacket, I most likely will take it to a tailor to have it cropped shorter by an inch or two.

Thanks for that method with the light being in sync with the sound. That really helps. U2fan had a button installed in the cuff to activate the light. I think that was a great idea. I might have to try it out.

And when you mentioned the mod for inserting a piece of plastic in the pocket flap, did you mean the actual flap closing the pocket or the main part with the red material on it? I was talking about the main part.

Also Mark said that if the belt and cuffs were to be made out of solid rubber that the jacket would become too heavy, so I think you should keep that in mind.
I was referring to the pocket flap. I would like to make that fairly rigid.

Since the real jacket has solid belts that are slightly carved out, I'm sure it would be ok.
I can't believe I forgot about this mod. Another one of the original ideas was to insert metal or hard plastic rings in the inside of the bellows to keep their shape. Chicken wire might work. It would't work out too well for the bellows on the upper arms though. The wire inside would probably get bent and it would be a hassle to bend them back into shape.
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I just sent my deposit for the jacket on marks thread, and just wanted to say that its because of this mod thread I changed my mind. So thankyou first MitasTouch for starting this and to Taff83 for the links and to anyone else who comes up with ideas to improve upon the jacket.
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I just sent my deposit for the jacket on marks thread, and just wanted to say that its because of this mod thread I changed my mind. So thankyou first @MitasTouch for starting this and to @Taff83 for the links and to anyone else who comes up with ideas to improve upon the jacket.

I'm happy to hear that this thread helped you. I see great things to come in the future.
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Hi All,
A topic which I have much love for! I am correctly constructing my second jacket and I am in the process of making my own materials, I have an idea for the red jacket material but I think I have succeeded with the cuff and belt bellows, I have created moulds and started casting parts, the strap extenders/retractors on the arms and belt links/buttons, please let me know your thoughts on these, I am very happy with the out come!



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Ha ha ha! I assume by your requests that these are approved :)
jedifyfe, your the man that pioneered me to make my first jacket, so yes I would be happy to cast some for you!
guys obviously the belt and cuffs are cast in polyutherene rubber, so are the belt buttons and arm retractors, would you think resin would be better for the these or would you prefer rubber? I could do both at request but obviously the belt and cuffs would be rubber.
thanks again for the interest and what I persevere as a thumbs up!
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Any chance at a run of the items listed above?
Guys, obviously I am not a premium member and can't start a run, I can not start interest on someone's post as I would be annoyed if it was me so apologies to MitasTouch.
Thanks again guys.
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