Rectangular PVC?


I know this sounds stupid probably. But I am thinking of making the laser pistol from Fallout. (not that part being stupid, the next part)

Now the body really shouldn't be too hard, but is there something like rectangular PVC? that would be perfect for this. I am almost sure I have at least seen rectangular caps.
Depending on size required, Plastruct carries a square (either ABS or styrene) product that might work for you.
Only because im winging it, I am looking for stuff I can find at the store. I dont have specs or anything, was just going to jump at it.

also i looked at their site (horribly done btw lol) I didnt find anything other than model train parts. This would be life size.
Over here in Sweden there is PVC square U- and L-profile available in most larger hardware stores. I dunno about hardware stores where you are from. (pipes in PVC and ABS are difficult to find here, though ... :( )
I would build the larger boxes of sheet styrene.
I know some people have "made" flat PVC by splitting a pipe and heating it, then flattening it out while it cools.

Maybe you could do something similar and make square.
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