Another Dredd 2012 Lawgiver build WIP

Inspired firstly by the inceredibly awesome movie and secondly by nogga_nootch's sketch ups for the new lawgiver I decided to give it an effort of my own.

I have an airsoft Glock lying around just aching to be transformed...

The plan is to cut all of the seperate parts out in different thickness styrene plasticard and mount it on what will probably be sculpy or something similar to bulk it out and make the parts that aren't straight forward flat panels...I've also found a small LCD screen that I intend to fit into the scheme somehow and maybe the little green LED that sits next to it.

Here's the results of a couple of days of plotting in photoshop..almost ready to print out test templates for fitting issues. I just need to size up and plan out the top, bottom and end sections but I think I'll have a better idea of dimensions for those parts once I have tried the side panels on the airsoft pistol.



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Re: Another Dredd 2012 Lawgiver WIP

Good work! The straightforward, blocky shape should make for a relatively simple build that will yield awesome results. Love the design, and if you've got a Glock sitting around, why would you not modify it to this?
Re: Another Dredd 2012 Lawgiver WIP

in light of new information I've done a rejig of the existing sketches..basically from scratch...

stage 2 :-


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Re: Another Dredd 2012 Lawgiver WIP

printed out some new improved templates for a test fitting today, nothing is curved as it should be, just pretty much flat but it looks like I'm on the right track :D

all the bits fit together nicely and onto the airsoft Glock




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Re: Another Dredd 2012 Lawgiver WIP

I'm probably gonna do a mix.
A lot of the parts don't need to be 3d printed and are better hand cut, but some of it will need a 3d print or some sculpting, depending on the budget.
Re: Another Dredd 2012 Lawgiver WIP

new update!

So the materials arrived for me to begin cutting out the templates proper...however they are the wrong sort, kinda soft and certainly not durable enough for a handleable piece..grrrrrr

anyway I decided to make the best of it and even though it's inferior quality it is still the right thickness so template test phase two engage!


turns out my designs are spot on! woohoo!!!
Now I just await delivrey of the proper base materials before I can properly crack on with this badboy

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