V mothership miniature


Premiere Props offers actually a V mothership miniature in their Hollywood Extravaganza XI auction beginning on September 28. They claim that the piece was obtained from one of the special effects technicians of the show, which doesn't necessarily mean it's authentic and screen used.

Here's the link of the auction:
V (1984) Mothership

What are your thoughts? I tried to make some screenshot comparisons but I wasn't able to match it. Seems also it has no internal lights.
The listing states it was Production casted, hence it was not screen used.

Can't really see any detail on it
You are right it does say production casted in the description I did not see that at first.
So if it was not used in the production who finished it up? or did they detail such a nice piece just to have an extra at the time?
Would be nice to just be able to ask the consigner.But auctions like this make that tough.
Also some auctions say production made even if it was "screen used" just so they have their bases covered and they can not screen match it.
Production casted it such an unusual term, they should say production casting. Why does it have a studio made
custom stand? was this a gift to someone that worked on the show? Is it a prototype item and another design was used instead?
These types of scenarios are great to encounter

You dont know if its

a prototype item finished but never used by the production in any way. Even if it was that it could have been used for practice and setting up the motion control cameras.

a backup item from original molds finished later by effects person for fun.

a backup prop fully finished but never filmed.

production filmed item not identified as screen used because they define that as screen matched.

production used item even screen used described in horid way by premiere props.

replica someone just told premiere props was production casted.

Cast off an original prop model painted up later.

cast off an original prop painted up by someone involved in the production for themselves.

Gift from studio to someone on the production. Might be wildly different in size from filmed originals.
In buck rogers I believe the production gave some ship models to actors as a gift. Actors not knowing what they are might think they are filmed originals or what not.

also most of the v effects shots were outsourced to other studios like david stripes production among others. So which effects studio woudl have used it or ordered it made if it has any relation to the studio? or were these made by Warner and just given to effects companies to use. Maybe ask http://davidstipes.com/blog/?p=239 what he thinks.
The lack of ligtiing makes it not likely for this style to have been used for up close shots.
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It has similarities to the original such as the edge details and some markings above and below (and it certainly looks cool). But it otherwise does not match screen caps from the series or the filming miniature I photographed back in 1993 at Bob Burns' museum. Most obvious is the missing large circular detail on top.
I built the very first "V" Mothership, for the pilot. It was nothing more than a lathe-turned white foam study model created for the matte painters to use for perspective reference, that David Stipes asked me to turn into a shootable miniature. I skinned it in Bondo and used everything from styrene sheet to Scotch Tape to simple airbrushing and a technical pencil to create panels, then filled the "trench", around the circumference, with model kit nernies and greeble. When the show went to series, Greg Jein was asked to come in and build a proper shooting miniature, which he did, with his usual brilliance! I don't have any photos of the model, but I can tell you the "casting" that went up for sale looks to have been taken from my model, with changes made to the trench detail. Most likely due to the difficulty of taking a mold off the bits and pieces I put in there.

Best wishes,

Patrick Read Johnson
I built the very first "V" Mothership, for the pilot. It was nothing more than a lathe-turned white foam study model created for the matte painters to use for perspective reference, that David Stipes asked me to turn into a shootable miniature. I skinned it in Bondo and used everything from styrene sheet to Scotch Tape to simple airbrushing and a technical pencil to create panels, then filled the "trench", around the circumference, with model kit nernies and greeble. When the show went to series, Greg Jein was asked to come in and build a proper shooting miniature, which he did, with his usual brilliance! I don't have any photos of the model, but I can tell you the "casting" that went up for sale looks to have been taken from my model, with changes made to the trench detail. Most likely due to the difficulty of taking a mold off the bits and pieces I put in there.

Best wishes,

Patrick Read Johnson

I love the RPF and the talent that drops by. Thanks for your insight on this model.
I built the very first "V" Mothership, for the pilot.
It was nothing more than a lathe-turned white foam study model created for the matte painters to use for perspective reference, that David Stipes asked me to turn into a shootable miniature. I skinned it in Bondo and used everything from styrene sheet to Scotch Tape to simple airbrushing and a technical pencil to create panels, then filled the "trench", around the circumference, with model kit nernies and greeble. When the show went to series, Greg Jein was asked to come in and build a proper shooting miniature, which he did, with his usual brilliance! I don't have any photos of the model, but I can tell you the "casting" that went up for sale looks to have been taken from my model, with changes made to the trench detail. Most likely due to the difficulty of taking a mold off the bits and pieces I put in there.

Best wishes,

Patrick Read Johnson

Fantastic information! Thank you for sharing!
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