Isaac Clarke Dead Space 2 Zealot Suit


Active Member
This is my Dead Space 2 Zealot Suit. Mostly EVA foam and found object, but just about every kind of paint and material was used.

I revised the lights from electro-lum wire to xmas LED's and an acrylic visor.

The result was a lot more green and a lot less visibility!

During Dragoncon 2012 Isaac won the Best Game Character in the Hallway Costume Contest. At Megacon 2013 in Orlando, Isaac won first place overall in their Universal Costume Contest.
7933480700_9eeccc1452_b.jpg My wife does Ellie.
Isaac at Megacon2.jpg
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Amazing. I was able to see the costume up close at Megacon. I think the green Christmas lights have a more dramatic impact than the EL wire on the helmet.
Thanks for all the great feedback. The LED's in the helmet did take it up a notch. I am currently building the Dead Space 3 Witness suit. The rig is featuring some programmable LED's that work in sequence, change color and look like I'm taking damage. I will also have stasis unit in my arm which has a functioning meter on the rig. I don't spend a lot of time of forums, but I intend to do start some WIP's .
Thanks, Gary! Compliments don't get much better than that! (unless it's EA saying 'we must own it, name your price!')
No, dumped the EL wire altogether. The LED's push so much more light and last longer. I don't know if you have used ELW before, but having it in a helmet is an unpleasant experience. The inverter sucks batteries and whines in you ear. ELW is good for a lot of projects, just not ones next to my ear!

got a little face time from the Megacon costume contest. This show airs August 13th after Faceoff. I think Isaac is in the third episode!


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Not nearly as complex as my Witness Suit from Dead Space 3. I am forced to resort to cheap tricks and parlor gags for my costumes. What I lack in the skill of persuading others to do for me I make up for by increasing my effort and attempting to include a ridiculous amount of detail. I know, Iknow, freehand fabrication is not the way to do it, but I am a talentless hack. I simply lack the anatomical perks that seem so valuable on that show.
I just saw the episode with you in it. Congratulations! You are'nt a "talentless hack" after taking first place! I really think having an eye towards a ridiculous amount of detail goes a long ways. As well as pulling off some parlor tricks. How diffent from a stage magician is this craft? Our brains fill in a lot of details on its own, but when you nudge it in the right direction with parlor tricks and details, I think that's what pushes you over the top.

Great job!

And I really wish they would give more facetime to the winners. I want to hear something beside " if I don't win this I will never be known as a propmaker "
Thanks guys!

Hey Notbob, are you the Galactus that beat them in Portland? If so, I thought it would be funny to start a thread on who all has beaten those "professionals". Funny, didn't see any of them at DragonCon Friday Night Costume Contest. An RPF'er won, though, so it's cool.
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