R2E2's 2012 Halloween Costume Contest Entry - TMNT 1990's Movie shredder Costume


New Member
Halloweens come and gone and here are some pictures of the shredder costume that I made this year.

This was my First time building a costume like this. I have never worked with resins and Auto filler. It was a nice change, and look forward to making more costume year round. Normally I go out to a thrift store get some clothes, ratty them up a little bit add some grime and then use latex to make zombie make up or stuff like that.

The helmet and hand blade were a pepakura file that I cut out and put together using a hot glue gun. then applied a few coats of resin, on the inside and outside, with fiberglass cloth on the inside of the helmet, mask and blade. After that I applied Bondo "filler" and sanded once it dried. for the helmet i cut out sheets of non-slick matting that is used in cupboards, hot glued it to the helmet and then applied resin over that. This part was kind of difficult since the matting was soft it was hard to dry and took many layers. Once that was done, the face mask and blades were primed and then coated with a silver paint. The helm was primed, sprayed black to fill all the groves and then i applied silver paint with a brush.

The armor for the arm, legs, and shoulders were made out of cardboard, resin, and non-slick cupboard matting.

I used pictures as reference and sketched them by hand onto poster board. Once I got the pattern I wanted to transferred those onto cardboard, bent then into the shape that would fit my legs and arms comfortably. Applied a few coats of resin on the outside. then on the inside applied fiberglass cloth and resin. Next I glued on the blades for all the pieces and then added more of that non slick mat to give it texture.. and put a few final coats of resin. to harden the blades and matting into place. once that was all done. I primed, sprayed black and then brushed on silver paint.

Down to the last part of the costume was the jumpsuit... What was I going to do? Well I found some awesome fabric at Joann's fabrics store on clearance and I got a pattern for a one piece pajama jumpsuit. I sewed that all together then cut out a tunic that I added foam for the shoulders and sewed on the shoulder pads.

After I finished that, I threw on the jumpsuit, wrapped a sash around my waist. put my black Tabi boots and black cape and applied my gear and i was ready to go.

In the pictures I have attached are of my friend and I, who I also made a Foot soldier costume for. This Halloween was a lot of fun and look forward to next year.

here's a link to the build http://www.therpf.com/f24/first-build-1990s-tmnt-movie-shredder-164098/


  • 1990 shredder costume 1.jpg
    1990 shredder costume 1.jpg
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    1990 shredder costume 2.jpg
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    1990 shredder costume 3.jpg
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  • Gangnam shredder.jpg
    Gangnam shredder.jpg
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    foot and shredder.jpg
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