My achievement: Iron man costume ruining a costume contest


Active Member
well i finally finished my ironman build and went to a halloween party in which there was a $5000 cash prize to the best dressed, i arrived abit late to the party in which i happy with my suit and the way it looked, when i applied for the contest which already had over 100 people signed up, i was told within the hour after my arrival majority of the people pulled out of the competition reducing the number down to 10 from there the competition got called off... i know this because my very good friend is the manager of the club and told me that i ruined the competition.

sure i missed out on the $5000 but if i wasnt going to get it NO ONE CAN!!! :) :) :)

i understand i have a MK4 suit but i love the paint work in the mk6
thats wack, they cancelled it to keep the 5k. if they had that many people in the place they made their $$$ regardless if theres 10 people or 100 in the contest it should have still went on. they didnt wanna give the money out.
thats wack, they cancelled it to keep the 5k. if they had that many people in the place they made their $$$ regardless if theres 10 people or 100 in the contest it should have still went on. they didnt wanna give the money out.

well it was at the marquee in sydney, and they had around 1000 people inside the venue... it was a **** go for them to cancel the event but they gave me unlimited drinks to compensate... although thats nothing to the $5000 cash prize
I find it ridiculous to cancel the contest. That doesn't make any sense. Why would they rather give the money to someone else and not you? .. ugh... idiots.

Any ways., hope you had an awesome time, aside from that.
look im not trying to brag or anything and there many people out there with alot better iron man suits than mine but i was the definite win for the night in a way that it was not fair for everyone else... maybe they wanted it to be an actual "contest"

ps stealth im a major fan... you inspired me to start this as a hobby
That's not cool. They offered up the money for best costume, you HAD the best costume, so much so that everyone knew it and pulled out of the contest.
Okay, well I'll admit, your costume could have totally won it hands down. But that Bumblebee should have been at least a close second.
I would have let Lollipop girl win! :love

You should wear a three piece suit over the costume next time...
Then no one will no what you're up to till you bust out of the suit on stage!
This is why instead of just one big prize you have several smaller prizes in different categories or at least a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prize.
Years ago, I went to a small bar dressed as the Devil (slicked back hair dyed black, red face, fangs, horns, claws, red shirt, black leather pants, full-circle black cape). The only real competition was a cheap devil-mask worn by several different people during the evening. When the competition began, they judged by 'audience response' and the cheering for the devil-mask was loud and long (by the group that had traded the mask all evening). The bar reluctantly decided in their favor, and apologised to me. My response was, "Hey, they cheered louder and longer than anyone else, so they won!" The two lovely girls with me, and the skinny old drunk Batman at the next table, was 'win' enough for me.
Years ago, I went to a small bar dressed as the Devil (slicked back hair dyed black, red face, fangs, horns, claws, red shirt, black leather pants, full-circle black cape). The only real competition was a cheap devil-mask worn by several different people during the evening. When the competition began, they judged by 'audience response' and the cheering for the devil-mask was loud and long (by the group that had traded the mask all evening). The bar reluctantly decided in their favor, and apologised to me. My response was, "Hey, they cheered louder and longer than anyone else, so they won!" The two lovely girls with me, and the skinny old drunk Batman at the next table, was 'win' enough for me.

i kno how u feel. i had my homemade iron man suit on that light up and made of foam, and i still lost. i lost to a slutty, dominatrix like police woman, and a guy dressed like a really slutty cowgirl. the police woman (AKA my boss ) and the bartender/owner was both hopping i would win. i might seem sour about it but it really didnt matter, i felt like a celebrity that night so that was a prize in itself :lol


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It's a good sport of you to be so understanding and all but that was pretty rotten on their part to cancel the contest like that. There were too many other options, That's just lame.:darnkids
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