Clone wars kowakian monkey lizard sculpt.. bust or full? u decide!


Well-Known Member
alright, sorry for the bad quality pics, but I started this a while back and decided that i'm gonna go through with it and mold it if enough people want one(otherwise i wont be able to afford molding it). He's called Muk Muk, the orange monkey lizard that first appeared in the clone wars episode where Count Dooku is captured by Weequay Pirates. I will probably sell them in kits made out of resin but possibly some in foam filled silicone.

I do not know what to make though, as you can see the face is almost done as is the torso, so here is where you decide. Full body with arms and legs. Or should I make a bust(would be cheaper) where its his face, possibly full torso but arms/legs smoothed off(how most busts are). Please comment which one you would like to see me finish and if you'd be down for one when the time comes to make an interest thread.

Note: this is not an interest thread because there will still be progress of me building him.

Note #2: I will try to get better pics up later, which have more detail.
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