"God" Skeletor helmet from the end of the 1987 He-Man movie "Masters of the Universe"


New Member
I'm making the entire costume, but the silicone face and out of control helmet are taking most of my time. Check out the helm so far! Left side is my work, right side is supposedly the screen used prop.

Re: "God" Skeletor helmet from the end of the 1987 He-Man movie "Masters of the Unive

That's amazing. what was the process you used to make it? sculpt?
Re: "God" Skeletor helmet from the end of the 1987 He-Man movie "Masters of the Unive

Holy hell. This is more than man. More than LIFE.

Well done!
Re: "God" Skeletor helmet from the end of the 1987 He-Man movie "Masters of the Unive

Is that being 3D printed?
Re: "God" Skeletor helmet from the end of the 1987 He-Man movie "Masters of the Unive

As to my process, because I'm going to have the face mask on underneath unlike Frank Langella, I sculpted it off of an ultra-cal cast of my final mask mold. This allows me to accommodate the larger orbital ridges. Though I've got some pictures of the final mask, my pictures of the sculpt are more clear.


In the picture you can see how large the orbital ridges are. This means the helmet's face had to be brought forward a little to accommodate both the fact that the mask wouldn't fit otherwise, and that my head is apparently much larger than Frank's was. This forwarding of the helmet structure is evident in how the eyes no longer appear to wrap around the side of the helmet when seen from an angle.

As to if it is being 3D printed, I wish! The final helmet alone is going to be 11-12 separate molds. It could be a few more depending on how I'm going to do the bat in the back of the hat. Below is a picture of the final sculpt of the base helmet without all the resin horns.



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Re: "God" Skeletor helmet from the end of the 1987 He-Man movie "Masters of the Unive

Would never have thought someone would take the time to replicate that helm. Looks very nice so far!
Re: "God" Skeletor helmet from the end of the 1987 He-Man movie "Masters of the Unive

obscure helmet, but great work from a fun movie.
Re: "God" Skeletor helmet from the end of the 1987 He-Man movie "Masters of the Unive

Really nice work so far. One of my childhood favourites.
Re: "God" Skeletor helmet from the end of the 1987 He-Man movie "Masters of the Unive

I will follow this one, great work so far!
Re: "God" Skeletor helmet from the end of the 1987 He-Man movie "Masters of the Unive

Way to come in strong! I like that. :thumbsup

Re: "God" Skeletor helmet from the end of the 1987 He-Man movie "Masters of the Unive

Love this, excellent work. Can't wait to see more progress.
Re: "God" Skeletor helmet from the end of the 1987 He-Man movie "Masters of the Unive

Nice! That costume is awesome, great choice. Replicating the staff isn't going to be a walk in the park either, by the looks of it.
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Re: "God" Skeletor helmet from the end of the 1987 He-Man movie "Masters of the Unive

Here is the last pictures of the helmet, including one of the sculpting of the back bat/demon thing. In the final shot all I have left is some finishing work and then to have it painted, but I'm going to wait until I have all the pieces so I can do it all at once. Its s shame the transparent resin is so hard to see, it is every bit as ugly as in the movie. I don't have the upper spires of the superstructure attached because they are too tall for the ceiling. The true majesty of this hat is only for the outdoors and convention centers.

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I have also completed the chest. It is hard to make out in the references pictures, but there is clearly some kind of rough demon face in the center of the armor. It is easy to see here due to it not being 100% reflective gold. As with the hat, there is finishing work let to be done, but the hard part is over.

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Last, I have completed the sculpt for the shoulder pads. There aren't any good shots of the pads straight on, only at an angle. There is clearly something going on in the center, but I cant tell what. I went with sticking some of the finger tip skulls I made earlier in the general shape it appears to be when looking at frames from the movie.


I'll have the bracer sculpt finished tonight. Then the "buckle" is next followed by the many many medallions. I've decided to do all the smaller molds at once, so I wont have any final castings of these until right before I get them painted.

I'm glad people are enjoying this!
Re: "God" Skeletor helmet from the end of the 1987 He-Man movie "Masters of the Unive

This is flipping amazing! There has to be a video at some point you yelling "KNEEEEEL"!
Re: "God" Skeletor helmet from the end of the 1987 He-Man movie "Masters of the Unive

I started the same project a couple of years ago, which I hope to finish one day, and came across some pictures and sketches that I did that might help.....
Have a ton more, just pm me if you think they would be helpful.
Re: "God" Skeletor helmet from the end of the 1987 He-Man movie "Masters of the Unive

I started the same project a couple of years ago, which I hope to finish one day, and came across some pictures and sketches that I did that might help.....
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Have a ton more, just pm me if you think they would be helpful.

Alas, you are a couple days too late. I would have loved to use your sketches, but I've got everything down except the staff at this point. I'm taking it to Denver Comic Con and time won't permit me to go back. Maybe if I had more experience sculpting I could bust it out real fast, but my skills wont pay those bills. I think I got it pretty close though for some old auction pictures from 2010.

I hope you get around to finishing it, yours will be a little more screen accurate than mine will end up, but without detailed pictures like you have I don't think anyone is going to notice at the con;) I'm just posting the prop portions here, but I'll probably put something on the costume replica forum to cover the fabric and latex appliance stuff with some pics from the con late May.
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