Nightwing custom armor (FINISHED)


Active Member
I already have about 10 projects that aren't done so of course I started another build. I decide to make an armored Nightwing by my own design. alot of inspiration was from watching STEATH and Xieng Prods YouTube foam armor builds.
The whole thing took a week and cost about $70 to build.
first off was the torso, I used these templates for the chest
I then cut out the abs and back, then strapped it together
Here are a few of the other pieces after heat forming.
I glued them together and started to detail it with thinner foam.
For the mask I heated some 5mm foam and sandwiched it between 2 plastic batman masks, then cut down to size.
I then plastidiped all the pieces black
Using shelf liner on certain areas I sprayed silver to get a carbon fiber effect
For the escrimna sticks I cut a paint roll extender in half for the base, then detailed it in foam and cut the cap off a paint roller and glued it to the end so it could screw together and form a bo staff.
painted black
Here is the completed armor
I'll try and get some better pictures soon!
I wore this costume to Empower Comic Con in Topeka this weekend and I won the Costume Contest!

I also made a couple gadgets that I will be posting about soon but for now here are more pictures from the con!
here are a few pictures of the belt and the gadgets
The Wingdings are made of balsa and the smoke pellets are sneaker balls cleaned out and painted black and blue. The Grapple gun base is a nerf gun cut down to size using a dremel and the hook itself is made of wood. I used a retractable badge clip to make the hook able to go in and out.
here are videos showing my WIP
Then a video showing off the functionality of the belt being able to hold my phone, wallet, keys, gatgets, etc.
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Hey buddy - love the build I'm working On Arkham Robin, Nightwing and Deadshot plus a few others lol... when attachinf the chest armour to the shoulder and back do you just glue, or do you use strapping if so do you go with 1.5 inch nylon strap or 2inch. I'm wanting to do a flexible armour suit so not sure if to mount to a base layer or wear a base layer then a tactical vest supported with straps on top.

Just can not work my mind out whether to leave vest and ab area free and armour covering only or attach some to the base layer.

Nice idea with the kitchen liner, I use a similar idea too, but I use those rubber anti slip mats you get instead :)

I'm also a member of BuildABetterBatman too.

Keep up the good work buddy.
Hey buddy - love the build I'm working On Arkham Robin, Nightwing and Deadshot plus a few others lol... when attachinf the chest armour to the shoulder and back do you just glue, or do you use strapping if so do you go with 1.5 inch nylon strap or 2inch. I'm wanting to do a flexible armour suit so not sure if to mount to a base layer or wear a base layer then a tactical vest supported with straps on top.

Just can not work my mind out whether to leave vest and ab area free and armour covering only or attach some to the base layer.

Nice idea with the kitchen liner, I use a similar idea too, but I use those rubber anti slip mats you get instead :)

I'm also a member of BuildABetterBatman too.

Keep up the good work buddy.
The shoulder was attached to the chest armor using elastic and the back was connected using Velcro so i could get it on and off. :)
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