Hardening Pink Foam Options?


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

I am making a base for a 1:1 89 Batman. It is made out of pink insulation foam from HomeDepot (Polystyrene) and will look like a stone floor with the Bat Symbol protruding out. It will be roughly 2.5' wide X 2.5' long X 6" high. Since it will be stone-like and slightly pitted, I wanted to use something that was strong, yet would show some detail, along with not being too expensive. I need it to be able to handle some abuse and the weight of the mannequin.So I was thinking on:

Easyflo or 1512, but these are not very cheap.

Are there better and/or cheaper solutions out there?

I have heard of people mentioning latex primer and plaster joint compound also, but I am not sure how well that will hold up or how much detail that will show.

I appreciate any assistance.
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