Batman the Animated Series - Mr. Freeze costume build thread


Sr Member
First let me say that this idea was completely inspired by Paul in his amazing costume thread. I can only hope to capture the look he was able to achieve.

BTAS is one of my all time favorites, and Mr. Freeze was my favorite villain on this show.

I think that I may take on doing this costume, and I think there are a few others out there doing the same. Most of the photos below are not my screen caps, so if I am using them inappropriatly and you are the owner please let me know.

So, some things I would like to do and would need help on would include:

metal chest plate
metal disc above cod piece
LED gogglesVoice modification system
Nora in glass snow globe


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Thanks guys!

I think I found my Nora:


I googled how to make a snow globe and it's actually VERY easy! On my way!

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