HELP - Latex Rubber... dye before or paint after?


Well-Known Member
I've being curious about what some folks use or process to make the rubber latex look BLACK directly from the mold. If not, which paint method is best for painting LATEX RUBBER GLOVES if not black from the mold; since I have those two different alternatives for something I already have done (I have the mold for a custom latex rubber glove, and I have the casting to be painted).

Any help will be appreciated.
I always tint my latex for a good base color and then paint in the details on the finished casting.

For tinting I just go to home depot and get the color matched tinting injected into a rubber maid tub instead of a can of paint.

For paint I mix rubber cement, tint, and naptha thinner.
I dye latex, too., among other sites alike, sell a latex dye to mix with the latex. I, pretty much, use Speedball's black Indian ink to get a gray color. I've never tried going all the way black, but I've come close.
I have never done any thing with latex rubber but from my experience with Paint and Painting in general you like to base with a color similar to that which you are going to paint so it takes less coats and gives you a better finish. Which brings me to my point. If you want really black latex gloves why not do both? Dye and then paint as well.

Then again like I said I have never done anything with latex before so I could be completely off my rocker. :lol

I really take too long composing a reply. When I started there was no response. After I post their are two that came in before me saying just about the same thing... :unsure
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