Winter soldier forearm. Made from metal: tutorial


Active Member
I decided to make a winter soldier arm from sheet metal. I roughed out a design on paper after measuring my forearm. Cut the paper pieces out and copy onto sheet metal. Cut out metal pieces with tin snips. Rivet pieces onto another piece of sheet metal. I painted the holding sheet gold, just for a laugh and some of the arm pieces burgundy for contrast. Add some foam to cover the inner rivet pieces and stop your arm from being shredded when you put it on. When everything is secure, slowly bend the whole thing round into an arm shape. Rivet the edges and voila! Halfway to becoming buck barnes.

update: now i ve almost finished the shoulder. Warning: small, smiley faced kids ball treated cruelly during the making of this bit. Basically, i got a ball, shoulder sized and drew winter soldier markings on it. Popped it! And cut out the pieces. Then cut out the pieces on metal sheet. I made a base plate with a circle of aluminium. I riveted the pieces on, patched iup the gaps, spray painted it chrome, added an inner foam layer and painted on the red star(i ll be neatening this up later) bicep next week and putting it all together.


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