Need help with screen printed spidey suit


New Member
I've finally got my workshop all equipped and ready to go and I've decided that my quality costume replica is going to be a TASM2 spidey suit. So far it's been my favorite suit and I think I have everything needed to actually put it together. The one think I'm lacking is the files to work from, or the skill to make them myself. I've seen a bunch of patterns and files for spidey suits posted on here but they're all set up for dye sub printing and I want to screen print mine. I've got a giant stack of frames and 4 color press sitting in the garage so o figured I should use it. Plus, all my research says this is how they made the suit for the movie, even the webs were screen printed. I'm fairly sure I have the procedure down to get the raised webbing, but if it fails I'm just going to CNC the webs and run them in dragon skin and try to get a matte finish instead of the super shiny silicone look.

Now back to the point, I'm on the hunt for a pattern where all the pieces have been split up by red and blue colors with movie accurate seem placement, and a web file to match the pattern. Ideally the pieces would be set up to maximize the number of pieces per red/blue screen and minimize the amount of fabric/number of prints required. Does anyone have these file or feel up to the challenge of creating them? I'm really good at fabricating and have a screen printing press, CNC machine, full wood shop, a mold making/casting room, welders, and a couple 3D printers, but I have next to zero experience with fabric/costuming or with creating digital art or CAD files. If anyone is able to help I'd be happy to return the favor if they need something produced. I'm a lot better at the hands on part.
That's awesome! The suit I want to make is the TASM 2 suit. I know kenlandrum has his free dyedub pattern posted here. I don't know enough about sewing, making patterns, or even how to use photoshop, to be able to attempt to split apart the prices and modify that file to be screen printed. I know people have made screen printed suits before, so I'm a little surprised that no one has chimed in saying they already have the files sitting on their hard drive.
That makes sense. I have all the equipment from making t shirts for a band that no longer exists and for my big haunted house that I design/build every October. So it sits around unused most of the year. If anyone has print files or can make them, I'd be happy to print them a set of the fabric as well. Most of the time and cost goes into making and exposing the screens. Once they're done, the actual print is fast and easy. I'm going to start sourcing fabric this week.
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