Freddy Kruger Part 2 Revenge Sculpt WIP - First ever Sculpt attempt!

Jayesh Ranavaya

New Member

spent a good few hours on him today. The things I did were:

- heavily reduce the protrusion of the forehead and eyebrows
- general shaping to make it look more like Robert Englund underneath which included cheek bones, overall head shape
- also added some fat to his cheeks as they were looking a little skinny
- Also started to add details again and making it more accurate to the movie version.

I am pretty happy with my few hours work and think it is slowly getting there. Need someone else's views though as I think I've looked at it so long I can't actually tell if it's any good or not :/


and because I can't live without my's a quickie below hehe

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Nice work. It takes me back to my attempts back in my latex mask days. It does look a little on the small side for a mask, is it sculpted over a lifecast?
looks good! damn good for a first attempt

Thanks a lot man. Yeah took my sorry time doing this and re did part of it too many MANY times hehe. I guess that's just how it goes..

Impressive!! :thumbsup

Thanks :)

Nice work. It takes me back to my attempts back in my latex mask days. It does look a little on the small side for a mask, is it sculpted over a lifecast?

Hey. Yeah it is small but to be honest I was going for a slightly smaller size so it would be a good fit. Unfortunately because I am just starting out I did it on a generic male head but the facial features were pretty much in the exact same spot as my face so think it should be ok. I would love to create a life cast of my own face but am a little scared of the process to be honest hehe.
Scrapped the old mask so redoing it from the ground up from clay sculpture step! Check first post for updates!


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Thanks a lot Im thinking of selling around 10 of these before halloween.

What you cant see in the pictures is the veins I added to the paintwork. I am pretty happy so far but needs a lot of work still... Not happy with the eye fitting though so looking to fix that for my next pull.
Also I used the sloshing and brushing method to cast this mask with silicone. I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on the best way to cast a silicone mask when I have used my life cast as the core.

I've decided to re-do the entire mask...from the sculpting phase. Luckily I still have the majority of my sculpt intact from the mold making stage. So just need to fix it and then ensure the eyes are done correctly as well as the lips. The eyes were the main issue for me. It was a massive learning curve for me creating the mask which actually works very well. I am going to be keeping this thread updated with my progress with the new build Freddy so stay tuned for pics and updates!

- - - Updated - - -

So it begins...AGAIN! I have started the restoration of my Freddy Part 2 mask. In fact I realised after looking closely that it actually didn't look all that much like the part 2 Freddy. So I am revamping the entire sculpt and paying an emense amount of time detailing it correctly. Pictures to come later so stay tuned for updates..
Ok so below are the updated pictures of the sculpt. From comparing the images it's obvious I need to make my sculpts head thinner. It is a little too wide for my liking :/ Also the ears need to be fixed since they got warped during dismold.

Please be aware however that please do not comment on the details such as scars and burns as I am not working on this at this moment in time. I am focussing on the overall shape and expression so please try to make comments around these areas.

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From the pictures of my sculp you can probably see, if you compare to my original sculpt from post 1, I have reshaped the mouth too. I found that Freddy Krueger normally has a smile of smirk on his face, he's a very cheeky fellow. That's why I am thinking about making a sculpt and in the end a mask that will be easier for the wearer to show the smiling emotion as well as the opposite such as anger, frowning, etc.
I have now narrowed the head a little and tried fixing the shape of the forehead. I have raised the eyes a little higher and also got rid of the eye lids. Reason for this is after looking at the top silicone mask makers it looks like they have it smooth with some skin texture so that it it fits snugly against the eye. Any help with this would be great as I want the eyes to fit a lot better than my first mask attempt.

Did a quick Photoshop of the new sculpt adding just reds and a few darkened areas. Just a quick test of how I may paint it and the different colour tones. Long way to go but looks ok I think. All I did was add 2 layers of colour in this image, I did not copy and past anything from the original.

Of course the angle of the photo's are different but you get the idea :)

new compare.jpg
spent a good few hours on him today. The things I did were:

- heavily reduce the protrusion of the forehead and eyebrows
- general shaping to make it look more like Robert Englund underneath which included cheek bones, overall head shape
- also added some fat to his cheeks as they were looking a little skinny
- Also started to add details again and making it more accurate to the movie version.

I am pretty happy with my few hours work and think it is slowly getting there. Need someone else's views though as I think I've looked at it so long I can't actually tell if it's any good or not :/


I photoshoped some colour onto this one and am quite pleased with the way it looks...well the way it could look only WAY better...heh.

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