Count Dooku costume


New Member
I've recently put up pictures of my Dooku custom fx lightsaber and the chain, but I figured I should share the whole costume:


That second photo really needs some work. You can see my hands. The cape should be everted (which mine does do). The sun is drowning out the color of the blades. And you can't tell that Anakin's holding a Dooku saber. I guess we'll have to correct those at AdventureCon.
I've seen this costume in person and helped with a little detail and I must say this is the best Darth Tyranus I've ever seen and he even has a custom FX saber to boot. It was cool to stand near you in my Jango.
<div class='quotetop'>(Tambo Fett @ Jun 7 2006, 01:26 PM) [snapback]1257893[/snapback]</div>
I've seen this costume in person and helped with a little detail and I must say this is the best Darth Tyranus I've ever seen and he even has a custom FX saber to boot. It was cool to stand near you in my Jango.
Thanks again and thanks to everyone else. If only we could have found that Mace Windu. I shouldn't have been the only one to almost lose his head. :D
Here's a link to the fx saber thread:

Oh, and in case y'all can't tell that is my real hair.
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