The Amazing Spider-Man 2


New Member
So I'm about to start my build with Orhadar's TASM2 pattern. I have a TASM suit that I like to wear all the time...the only thing that bugs me in pictures is that sometimes it appears white cause of the stretched lycra. Is there any way to get rid of this?
I'd suggest to have the colors a bit darker on the file, that way when you strech it it looses some colour but wouldn't turn white or pink
Yeah that makes sense, the only other thing I can think of is separately printing each piece on that color lycra....which takes a lot of work and something I don't know how to do.
The "white out" effect you're talking about appears much worse in photos than it does in real life. In person, unless you are stretching the lycra to its absolute breaking point, you'll still have fairly decent color saturation.

Honestly, unless you're looking to invest huge sums of time and money into the research and development needed to print on multiple colors of lycra (Also, good luck finding a shop who will do it for you...I've called probably 3 dozen shops in the past and only one said they would try it, then when I went to place an order told me they were no longer willing to try it) just stick with printing it on white fabric. If you've never seen one of these bad boys in person, you'll just have to take my word on it that it's really not as bad as it seems in the pictures.

And darkening the colors will help a little up to a point, but beyond that won't help much because it's not that you're mixing colors like you would with paint, it's that white is being revealed as the fabric stretches. And whether you have a lighter color or a darker color on the fabric, it's still going to show the same amount of white when stretched.

Good luck.

How about turning the print over and coloring the backside? Not sure on what we could use that will keep the elasticity of the fabric though. I've used fabric dye on a spandex shirt and the shirt became all starchy and stiff. If you could find a way to color the backside of the print according to the front, maybe that'll work. I don't know.
Also I heard wearing a darker under suit under the costume helps. Unless I misunderstood
Thanks Nick! Honestly, I'm the only person I've ever seen with an actual Spider-Man suit IRL so I could never tell if it was just the pictures or what people were seeing. Has anyone done work on Orhadars print yet? I don't want to get ******* over like it did with Damn Good Paul's suit last year and end up with **** sewing lines.

Also here is a pic to reference the whiteness
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