The right paint.


New Member
Hey guys.

I have recently painted a piece with a cheap rattle can of enamel paint. Have read that I should be using acrylic paint.

Sorry if this has been done to death but is there really a huge difference?

Should I be buying acrylic?

I think enamel paint tends to crack if the surface is even slightly flexible... so it's a no-go for foam building. Acrylic paint is more rubbery, thus better for flexible things. That's what I gathered anyway.
Bummer6 is correct. Also to be considered is chemical compatibility with the material being painted. Some enamel rattle cans will eat foam. Some will not fully cure on rubbery materials. Acrylic can solve some of these issues. Best thing is to experiment with different paints on different materials to get a feel for what works best and to build confidence in your painting materials/techniques.
If whatever you've painted hasn't dissolved into a puddle and your happy with the finish there's no problem.
Enamel / acrylics are generally a personal preference, but at times you do need to consider the compatibility issue – it’s just part of the learning curve.
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