Resources for Jedha Citizen


New Member
Hello, all! I'm looking into building a Nesta Term (or any of the Central Isopter cultists) costume. For those who don't know, they look like this: Central_Isopter_cultist_-_Celebration_Reel.pngCentral_Isopter_cultists_-_Topps.png

I'm wondering what the material used for the cloaks looks like when it's unfurled and what fabric the cloaks and head shrouds/veils are made of. From what digging and researching I've done, a friend of mine believes that the cloaks are cotton-sateen quilts or comforters, but a cursory Google search did not yield any results that came close to matching these. This leads me to believe that the cloaks here were custom made (similar to the Rebel Blue Squadron X-Wing jumpsuits which were confirmed to have been custom made for filming), but I am still hoping that somewhere out there sit a couple of these on a shelf in a warehouse or in a store. Any information or reference photos that anyone has would be much appreciated.

Cheers and thanks,

- Caliginous

I think you could get a giant piece of fabric for the main cloak, and then the colored strips from the looks of it appear to be leather or maybe vinyl. You could purchase a sheet of leather or vinyl and cut and dye strips, and then sew or hot glue them on.

Hope this helps,

- TK10259
It does help! I hadn't thought about approaching making the cloak that way. I'll do some more research on fabric matches for sure.
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