Smaller scale Millenium Falcon


Sr Member
I'm not sure exactly WHAT scale this build is.
When I was younger, I had the Echo Base model kit and it included a falcon that was approximately the same overall size as this, which I also had back then. (though the sidewalls were nowhere NEAR this tall)
P1130014.jpg Falcon/P1130015.jpg Falcon/P1130016.jpg Falcon/P1130017.jpg Falcon/P1130018.jpg

I got this in the mail today, having made a purchase of both this and the revell pocket kit (which has yet to arrive) via Amazon.
As you can see, the walls are too high, it's moulded in a silver plastic and has been sprayed with silver paint. If you haven't seen this before, it's a watch-case and came with a C3P0 watch that I'll be giving to my nephew.
My goal is to use this as a starting point for getting my feet wet enough to feel comfortable with doing the revell pocket kit justice. I MAY add lights to it but haven't decided yet if I will.
I started by cutting it apart with my Razor saw. Falcon/P1130019.jpg

I removed details that were poorly moulded. Falcon/P1130020.jpg

a quick mock-up. obviously, the sidewalls are still too high but then, nothing is glued together yet. Falcon/P1130021.jpg Falcon/P1130022.jpg

trying to salvage the dish... Falcon/P1130024.jpg Falcon/P1130025.jpg
and thats where I am at the moment.
More updates will follow and once the Revell kit arrives, it will be added to the thread as well.
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That's pretty good for a watch case, the details are definitely based on the MPC kit. I wonder if they didn't start with the Echo base Falcon and modify the sides.

Nice work so far.
I'd be surprised if they didn't use the echo base Falcon as a basis for this one.
I got a little more work done on it today.
I started by replacing the missing hull plates Falcon/P1130045.jpg Falcon/P1130046.jpg

I also worked on the dish a bit. Falcon/P1130047.jpg Falcon/P1130048.jpg

It's not accurate but close enough for this project.
Then I added the mandibles, the upper portions are now permanently mounted to the rest. I managed to hollow out that "tricky" section too.
When it had all cured, I filled some gaps, sanded those down and sprayed the parts with a flat-white primer.
at this point, it's dried enough that I feel comfortable doing a test-fit. Falcon/P1130049.jpg Falcon/P1130050.jpg Falcon/P1130051.jpg Falcon/P1130052.jpg Falcon/P1130053.jpg

I can see some areas that still need work, some gaps that need filled but that's all I'm going to get done tonight.
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LOOKS great so far, but that's such a nice piece, PLEASE make that dish part right!!:facepalm

[IMG said:[/IMG]

It's not accurate but close enough for this project.
The dish itself or the mounting structure behind it?
(either one can be achieved, but one will take more time than the other.)
It will have to wait until after the weekend though. I'm leaving town for a few days to visit some family that I haven't seen in a while.
Coming along great! I don't know how many times I almost bought the Echo Base kit just for the little Falcon.
heh if that kit hadn't been 40 bucks, I probably would have done the same.
Well, that or my old dog hadn't chewed the falcon up :lol

I FINALLY got back home after nearly five days away visiting family. I have a terminally ill relative and based upon the swiftness of their descent, I'll probably be making a return trip VERY soon.
I'm about to hit the sack but figured I should get some work done and post an update.
I started adding details to the ship tonight. first up, making the cockpit more accurate.


It's a little hard to make out, but I've added the missing struts from the window there.
You may notice that I have also started adding the sidewall details.

and I gave the engine section a grill.

Obviously, I still have a lot to do and I still need to work on the supports for the dish but that will all come in time.
Oh, one last thing. While I was away, my revell minikit pocket-falcon FINALLY hit town. I have to pick it up from the post-office in the morning.
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It seems that having this thread across four forums has strained my bandwidth on photobucket and, as such, I'll be changing the IMG code to links and I'm adding the more recent images to a Flickr account. It won't bring back the photobucket ones until the end of the month but it should keep this from happening again next month.
While I'm here...

Have you considered replacing the sidewalls entirely? The details are very chunky.
:/ well... at this point it's not really possible. The way I have them (at least the sidewalls on the mandibles) done, it would be impossible to remove those walls without completely destroying the front end.
To be honest though, yes, the thought did occur to me but I was trying to be stubborn and keep as much of what was there as possible. :unsure
I actually got kind of caught up yesterday/last night in working on the pocket kit falcon. I didn't really get any progress pics ut I've made huge progress with it and I'm considering lighting the engines.
Having been away, I didn't get much done on the watch-case Falcon.
I DID try weathering it up a bit, just to experiment.



"WHY did you (I) make so little progress on that one?" you ask.
Because I was busy going to town on the Easykit Pocket version.
I didn't take any WIP pics but here she is.


oh, did I mention that I added a light to the engine?


I feel like I need to add some more weathering but first I need to paint the odd panels that don't match the rest.


I altered the engine deck so that it's removeable. It holds in place via rare earth magnets.

Before I sealed up the cockpit, I modified some 1:350th figures and made myself a Han and Chewie.(Somehow the upper hull managed to NOT stay flush with the trimmed sidewalls.) :facepalm



A quick comparison... Obviously, the watch-case needs a better paint-job and re-weathered.


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