Batman: Arkham Origins Robin Cosplay Build WIP


Well-Known Member
So, like the title states, I'm working on making Dick Grayson's Robin costume from Batman: Arkham Origins.
It's my first proper cosplay, I did a Nightwing costume previously, but I'm not too happy with it in the least.
Mainly planning on using EVA foam for his armour and making a sort of vest kind of thing that I slip on.
Any suggestions anyone has for strapping it to myself, or making a cape, or anything Arkham-y would be greatly appreciated.
I've got started on paper templates for the armour and I'm hoping I'll be pretty much done by January(ish).
For reference, here he is, in all his character trophy glory, excuse the poor quality photo, couldn't find a screenshot, so I took a photo with my phone. Tacky I know.
And a close up of his upper torso
So... yeah, I was also kind of inspired by Teragon's Batman build, figured Batman was a bit of a stretch for my current abilities, so I figured I'd be a Robin first. Proper Dick Grayson style.
So an update, I've been looking at Robin's Character Trophy and I decided to redo the templates I already had.
So, yesterday I got this done.
I think it looks pretty good, it's a little rough, and crudely held together with masking tape.
I still need to clean it up a bit but it's okay.

As well I need ideas of how I can make the foam red, I'm thinking of spraying it black first, then using a rag and some metallic red paint and rubbing it across the foam. Would that work?
i took this from the artbook included in the collectors edition of the game.. maybe it'll help you :)


ahh didn't notice you had the character trophy :p nvm. then..
Okay, so it's been a while. Quite a long time actually since I updated anything. I was moving around a lot and seem to have misplaced a lot of my things. What I had on this costume being the main thing that appears to be missing. But, since I've been keeping up to date with this Nightwing: The Series thing going on, I am reinvigorated to continue this costume, with a little bit of my own flair. I don't know when I'll be able to get any of this done, but, I haven't forgotten it.

Hopefully I'll get back to work on this thing this month, have some exams to do but I need something else to do.
First thing's first though, new design specs incoming later on.
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