The Eleventh Doctor

Norse Iron Man

Well-Known Member
Hello, fellow Whovians!

For the past two years or so, I've been getting into Doctor Who quite extensively with finally watching Tennant's run in it's entirety, catching up with Mat's, and Eccleston's when it's actually on TV. I'm ashamed to say I haven't seen much of Classic Who, but I do intend to!

So, I've been working on a DW attire for a few months now, I originally wanted to do Ten's, though had no luck finding a blue suit. I proceeded to gather pieces for the Eleventh, and had much more luck. Not exactly finished yet, have to take a few pieces to the Tailor.

Mind you, nothing with this cosplay is accurate, everything is store bought, 'cept for the Sonic and Psychic Paper. Also, I didn't have several hundred dollars laying around to buy authentic name brand boots, jacket, ect.. The most expensive thing are the boots, which were about $45 I believe. The brown jacket was a luckyish find at a Goodwill, only $4. Needless to say, finding something that fits my ass was 3/4 of the challenge.

Edit: please scroll down for up-to-date pics.
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A very nice costume - also noticed that you're wearing your watch face down, well done!

Overall, a good start! I wish I didn't have to pay as much for my tweed jacket now...

Trust me, if I had the budget, I'd jump at one of those tweed jacket replicas. But alas, there's nuthin' but flies in my wallet. lol

The plan is to get the jacket to the tailors sometime next month, hopefully have a vent cut into the back, have patches sewn onto the elbows, and have it altered to fit me better. Also, I need to get the pants hemmed.

I really want to debut this at wonder con, if possible.
Very nice. I just realized that the MiB and the Doctor exist in the same universe. The MiB use psychic paper too.

Trust me, if I had the budget, I'd jump at one of those tweed jacket replicas. But alas, there's nuthin' but flies in my wallet. lol

The plan is to get the jacket to the tailors sometime next month, hopefully have a vent cut into the back, have patches sewn onto the elbows, and have it altered to fit me better. Also, I need to get the pants hemmed.

I really want to debut this at wonder con, if possible.

The real sad thing is, it wasn't even a replica - it was just a close-enough one with similar fabric, but with all the right details as the S5 Dalek/Angels one. But I still need to get elbow patches on it...

On the whole, I think you've done an amazing job so far! :)
Where did you get the Psychic Paper or what did you use for the Psychic Paper?

Right here

I saw it recommended on one of the DW threads on here.

Here's a shot of the front -


The real sad thing is, it wasn't even a replica - it was just a close-enough one with similar fabric, but with all the right details as the S5 Dalek/Angels one. But I still need to get elbow patches on it...

On the whole, I think you've done an amazing job so far!

Heck your close enough sounds more accurate than the brown one I picked up. lol

Also, thanks again man!
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So, I picked up a new jacket. Thoughts?

It's tweed, I know the brown is a little off. But, I believe it's tons better than the first jacket.


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So, I bought another jacket, a different bow tie, some new suspenders, and boots. Getting closer I think! lol

I am pretty happy to have gotten this far, just a few more details to work out.

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