2014 Motor City Comic Con

Doc Spengler

Well-Known Member
I was just wondering if there are any other RPF'ers from Michigan going to Motor City Comic Con May 16-18th? I'll be there all weekend rocking out my Indiana Jones, Rocketeer and WWII Captain America. Still trying to decide if i want to enter the costume contest and if so, which costume to enter.
I will be there! I'll be helping out at the Geeks With Scissors table so stop by! Friday I will be Mara Jade, Saturday we're doing Jem and the Holograms for the costume contest (I'll be Jem) and Sunday I'll be Delirium from Sandman. Make sure you look for me! (There is a good chance I will be on roller skates.)
Should we arrange a time/place to meet at the convention on like Saturday or something? Or some other day? Thoughts?
Okay I lied. For the contest we're Jem and the Zombiegrams. Yes. We are zombie Jem and the Holograms. I don't know how this became a thing, but it totally is.
So who went? It was much better than the mess that was last year's convention. Still had a lot of rough spots but overall better.
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