Blackout's Mark7 Iron man Thread (MCM pictures)


Well-Known Member
So, I couldn't find my old thread, and there is such a jump in progress I thought I Might as well start another. This thread will hopefully be all my builds to come, including my almost complete mark 7.

I'd like to give a quick shout out or two:
Darkside, Your files are great to work with, and thank-you for making them available and sharing them with the community for free!
DocHoliday, I learnt plenty through your thread, and saw that outstanding work can be achieved with foam.
Stealth, watching your youtube video's got me plenty inspired, and introduced me to foam.

Anyway, here are some pictures. (excuse the jeans! :p )

I also wore it to the midnight screening of Iron Man 3.

The suit still needs weathering, new shoulders abs, handplates, I need to paint the fingers, make the Butt panels, the elbows, and the chrome panels that go in the gaps of the armour.
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Re: Blackout's Iron Man Thread. (Mark 7 suit pretty much done)

looks really awesome dude! really clean and precise.
once you fill the gaps in and do the abs it'll be really complete! :)
Re: Blackout's Iron Man Thread. My suit went Viral Yay :D

So I Just went viral. Kinda a new experience for me... still check it out:

My friend posted a pic or two on Reddit. Got the front page, someone from Mashable asked be a few questions, and I'm also the 1st and 5th results on google for 'iron man suit'

A pretty cool achievement I think. I'm now buzzing to make the mark 42, if money is no object, that is.
Re: Blackout's Iron Man Thread. (Mark 7 suit pretty much done)

Is this Foam? The Paint job looks very clean, clean I mean perfect. What paints are you using. I'm having a difficult time with rustoleum enamel over modge podge sealed foam with primer made for plastic. No Plastidip, My suit is for display only. My paint has a wrinkle and cracking effect when 2nd coat is applied.


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Re: Blackout's Iron Man Thread. My suit's viral

I've actually been using acrylic medium. Lots of people have put it down, but the type I have found works excellently. I'll put up a tutorial at some point.
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Re: Blackout's Iron Man Thread. My suit's viral

A few pictures of my suit at MCM :D

My personal favourite:

Bumped into a fellow RPF member in a Masked Rider kit whose username eludes me.

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