Help with a comics style Spider-Man costume

Spider Dan

New Member
Hi, I'm looking to make a Spider-Man costume and I need some help. I'm looking to make a five piece suit (mask, gloves, pants, shirt, boots) and I figured the best way outside of printing to get the spider-pattern is to draw them with a fabric marker. My questions are how much fabric do you think I'll need (in yards) and would the fabric marker work? Printing the pattern seems like a lot of time and money, also I have no experience creating a pattern myself. Other tips are also appreciated. Thank you!
Hello! I myself made a one-piece(entry through the seam at the shoulders at the back), with removable lenses. You could probably use 3 yds of blue and 2 yds of red. The fabric marker will work just great, but make sure you know EXACTLY where you are drawing! Use a yardstick(metal preferred), and I found that having an action figure around was best for figuring out where all the webs came and went. I found Romita sr. to have the cleanest webs, mostly emanating from the face and carrying on to the body. Remember to heat seal the fabric marker so it doesn't run in the wash. Hope this helps!
All i can say is study what spider-man looks like (Action figure is great to have around while working like Looch said). Remember that things look different flat then they do on you. When i made my first spidey suit, drawing the web was kind of hard. I had to keep putting it on to make sure the web was going on right. you'll get the hang of it though. Always buy a extra bit of fabric just in case you mess up. It stinks to get halfway done with a suit and not have enough fabric because you used it earlier. Going back to the fabric store to find the same exact color can be a major pain too! Good luck man. I can see your new here, as i am also fairly new, feel free to ask questions. These forums are a real great group of guys.
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